Texas A & M University-Kingsville Top Questions

What are the academics like at Texas A & M University-Kingsville?


School academics at are campus are very high and a very high priority to the students here. I cannot tell you a time I pass by the library at night and find it empty. The teacher to student ratio is what I believe most students fall in love with being able to speak to your professor after class and him/her knowing your mane is what make this school spectacular. As for me being a communications TV radio major I love my news production and filming classes along with my writing classes. The teachers are fun and energetic and always show you compassion and love. It seems to me that these teachers want you to succeed and you’re not just another face that brings them money.


One of my favorite things about studying at Texas A&M University- Kingsville is the academic environment. Because it is a small university, most classes have a student-faculty ratio of 16:1. This is an advantage to students because it gives every student a chance to have one-on-one instruction from the teacher. As a recent graduate, I can recall every one of my professors' names and they remember me too. My favorite class was French Civilization and Literature. It was a study abroad class and I had the opportunity to spend a week in Martinique, a French island in the Caribbean, while learning the language. My least favorite class was Geology. Class participation varies from class to class, but I noticed the most participation in my junior and senior level classes. My department is Communications and Theatre Arts. It is a small department, but it is a great place for opportunities. For example, I was part of the school's newspaper, The South Texan, since my freshman year, and I served as Editor-in-Chief during my senior year. I also had the chance to participate in a weekly TV newscast with the Radio TV Club. Overall, the education offered at Texas A&M University- Kingsville is a valuable one that prepares its students for a future career.