Texas Christian University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Texas Christian University?


Be prepared! Classes are hard, especially if you are in the honor college!


Be prepared! Classes are hard!


Be prepared! Classes are hard. I know people would stay up until 4 to do homework.


The academic rigor at TCU usually varies by department. Some departments, such as communications and fashion merchandising, are known for being complete jokes. Others, such as education and the sciences, are known for their academic and career excellence. A word of warning: If you have a minor in a college that is different from your minor (say, if your minor is in English but your major is in Chemistry), you will not receive any support from your minor's college.


Professors are amazing..... If you try hard, meet with them, try to get to know them, then they will try and help you in whatever way you need to. Each school is unique because of the professors. They work hard and really want you to succeed in life.


Most professors at TCU take the time to really get to know their students. I feel like I can talk outside of class to any one of them and get help with whatever I need. Most students at TCU take their schoolwork pretty seriously, and class participation is really encouraged and very common. I'm a music major, and this department at TCU is incredible. Every music professor I have had has been amazing, and I have learned important things from each of them. The curriculum at TCU is pretty tough, and you have to stay on top of your schoolwork if you want to do well. I know a few kids who have gotten behind and have had to pay the consequences, whether that be by failing classes or losing scholarships.


Every single professor I have had at TCU has known my name. They go out of their way to get to know their students - they have a required open-door office hour policy every week and some make themselves even more available. Professors get on Facebook and some even create their own websites or AIM screennames so they can better help their students. I cannot say enough about the professors at TCU. There is even a story about Speaker Jim Wright (Former Speaker of the House and TCU professor) and while I do not know if it's true, it speaks volumes about what TCU professors will do for students. Apparently a student came in to speak with Speaker Wright and during that time he received a phone call - he had his secretary take a message and continued to help the student. When the student left, he asked his secretary to get the President of the United States back on the phone - that's who had called when the student was there and he had put him on hold! Competition is very evident on campus, especially in honors classes and programs. Students are driven to succeed, learn, and make their future's brighter. Courses are academically and socially stimulating as well. Professors and all members of the campus community encourage students to get involved and become active and ethical leaders in our world. The Chancellor personally invites students from various organizations to his house for dinner and conversations as way of saying "Thank You" for their work. I can't think of another school where the Chancellor actually cares enough to know my first name - it's amazing!


Professors are generally very friendly and personable- like they know your name enough to greet you in the hallway 2 semesters after you took their class. In bigger survey classes be prepared to be virtually invisible, but in normal classes you will be important and involved. Different teachers teach differently, but all are very understanding if that is not how you learn- they aren't that hard to approach about problems. Students are competitive in certain classes I feel, especially business classes, but in others they are generally supportive of each other. I don't really ever spend time with teachers outside of class because I think it would be uncomfortable. I am an English major and this department is difficult for me because of the workload associated with each English class- lots of reading and writing per class then multiply that times 3 to get only part of a semester's class load. The academic requirements of the TCU Core are understandable, but not every class that should count for a specific credit does, making it very difficult to complete the core and take classes that interest you. I feel that most of the learning is simply for learning's sake.


rigorous...certain classes are very demadning. i put in alot of work and i do feel like i learned alot


Depends on the major but you will get an excellent education, especially in business, pre-health, and nursing fields. good teachers who do care.