Texas Christian University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Texas Christian University?


TCU is a really good school academically. I have come to learn that pretty much ever major at TCU is good at what they set out to teach the students about. I have been very impressed by the recognition that TCU receives as a school, and this is only gotten better over my 4 years.


As previously mentioned, again, all my professors know me. My favorite class is Spanish. I LOVE learning in that class. No matter what teacher, what level, it's always so interesting. Students are always studying. It's college. It's what you do. In my classes, for the most part, class participation is not common. I'm Pre-Med and most classes are lab or lecture based. You're pretty much on your own. Ha, I'm a TCU student, and I'm always have intellectual conversations. It comes with the geeky persona. Students are extremely competitive. And quite frankly I'd appreciate it if they wouldn't be. It sure does make it a hell of a lot harder for me to move up in rank. I'm Pre-Med. I spend a lot of time with professors. They're constantly answering my questions and being there for just overall moral support really. It's not easy. Is the education at TCU geared toward getting a job or learning for its own sake? Well, gee. Now that depends on who you ask. I make a C in my Biology class and my professor asks me, "Well, did you learn anything?" I said "Of course, I learned everything.. I just don't test well." He said "Well, then what does it matter what grade you get. As long as you learn, that's all that counts." I don't agree. Med Schools surely don't care if you "learned" anything if you didn't make an A in that Organic Chemistry class or Cell Biology.


My professors all know my name. My favorite class was Major British Writers with Mona Narain. It was an amazing class. Class participation is common within the nursing program. I notice that other classes outside the nursing program have less participation. The most unique class I've taken was Rock to Back, which was awesome because we got to watch music videos and listen to music. I do spend time with my favorite professors outside of class. The professors are really good at creating appropriate relationships with their students, sometimes even willing to tutor is extra help is needed. I feel I am paying good money for my education. My professors really care about my success and I am going to be proud when I graduate from TCU.


The classes are hard; however, most teachers really do care about how you do in their class. My advice is work hard, stay on top of reading, ASK QUESTIONS. TCU requires a broad base of core classes be taken by each student upon graduation. This is a great way to find out what you really are interested in. I came to TCU as a New/Ed Journalism major. After my first year I added an English minor. The professor's in the English department were really helpful in making this decision and all want to help me succeed.


professors know your name and are personal with you-- i love that part of TCU. students study hard here-- the library is occupied all the time. class participation is very common. often it is part of the grade. in most of my classes, attendance is always part of the grade.


vigourous. classes are challenging


Professors know your name. There are some students who don't care at all and are disruptive in class, but some of the best discussions I have ever had came from my small classes. Most classes are small enough where you know everyone and so does the professor. I have had professors invite us over to their houses at the end of the semester. The English department is phenomenal!


In the larger classes, it is important to introduce yourself and make a relationship with your professor. In the smaller classes, teachers know your name by the 2nd week. My favorite core class was Astronomy and it was also the hardest. My least favorite class was any class taken at night once a week. man those were long. students have intellectual conversations outside of class in their jr/sr year. i was an early childhood education major with an emphasis in special ed and i am now working on my masters in special ed at tcu. i hung out with some professors outside of class. once you get more into your major you really enjoy your professors, the classes youre taking, and your peers.


The academics at TCU are for the most part really good. There are some bad professors who shouldn't be teaching in college but there are also some really amazing professors, especially in the College of Education. Students are very competitive. I would say that the education at TCU is focused on both getting a job and learning for the sake of learning. People study a lot and most professors know your name, except in larger lecture classes.


Academics at TCU are pretty good. The classes are challenging but not impossible. The classes are a good size. You are able to get individual attention.