Texas College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas College know before they start?


Knowing what I know now, the first thing I would say is that listen to your teachers because everything they telling you is absolutly riight. Academics always come first because thats the whole purpose of going to college is to go to class and get a degree. Financially you got to be more responsible with your money. You got to be able to balance your money and be sure that you take your business first and then fun later. You got to be sure your financial aid is in order so that you wont have a bill at the end of each semester. Definently keep your grades so that you can get scholarships and grants to help pay for for school rather than draw out loans and have it on your credit to pay back once you graduate. If your interested in doing any type of student organizations, grades come first because thats the first thing they check. Don't put that organization before your class becasue no matter what, academics come first. I know band is what you love so use what you have learned in secondary school and add on to it. Finally Graduate From School.


Be more aware of colleges and choose one that will fill all your needs. Have an set major. Don't goof off to much. Don't quit in the middle.


Omg! If I could go back in time and start over with my education it would be so different. I would get more into my books than parties. As a freshman in this college you have to focus on your work. There are different functions going on and if you are not careful you will get caught up in the fun. Don't get me wrong, you can pull it off. The problem is that you have the opportunity at this college to graduate early if you take a few extra classes. Now if you are not partying all the time you can get it done. I didn't though, I was so into the games and activities that it has taken me the normal four years. Take some advice from a senior now, do your work first and have fun later, it will pay off in the end. The classes are not hard at all, you just have to focus and participate. College is about finding yourself as well as working hard to achieve your goals. Remember to study before fun, and there won't be any last minute surprises when it is finally time to graduate!


My advice would be very simple. No matter what college or university one picks remember that school is what you make it , participate in as many organizations and campus activities as possible, do your best in all of your classes but most importantly go to class.


In order to get ready for the transition from high school to college, I should practice being more responsible. College life is the start of making your own decisions in an adult atmoshere. I should stop depending on my parents to do so much for me and start focusing on what I can do to make the life ahead of me be more successful.


I would tell parents and students to do research first and go check out the campsuses, take a tour of the campus. I would tell them that you have to make the most of college life. It is all up to you. You have to make it work for you. If you don't do anything you will be bored all the time. I would advise the student to get involved in the school. College is a chapter in your life that you want to make count and not be a lost out on.


Pick the school that has the best options that fits your students needs


The advice that i would give parents and/or students would be to do your research before choosing a school. Don't only pick a school because it looks appealing, choose a school because of what opportunity it has to offer in achieving your set goal. Let the school you choose a school that may have students that meet your same morals, and that are there for the right reason. Whatever school you choose, make sure it has as much of information regarding any financial assistance possible because it is very easy to get in debt if you don't make the right financial decisions regaurding how your education gets paid.


The only advice I can give is basically choose the best college that fits you finacially and have the best education system. No matter where your school is located.


Find a college that the student feels the most comfortable.