Texas Lutheran University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Texas Lutheran University?


It's small enough for your professors to know you personally, and to know what you're really like. If you were to mess up once, completely out of character, there's a larger chance of getting a second chance than at a larger university.


This is a wonderful school. It is small, but the professors are amazing, and there are so many opportunites to learn outside of the classroom.


The quality time you get with professors and the small classes. I consider it a privilege to be able to call, email, or go and see my professor when I have a question. They know who I am, what I struggle with and they suggest those who can help me if they are not able to.


The school is small, so it has small classes, therefore the profs. can be one on one if you need the help and you can learn a lot more because the profs. don't have a lot of students to teach at one time.


That I got to a private university. That is a mostly white school and that our five year accounting degree is one of the best programs avaliable in the great state of Texas.


I would have to say our sense of knowing who we are and the fact that we can stand as a community when we know we need to. Also all the professors in my university are proffesionals in thier field and you can tell that in thier lectures. It always says alot when you know that you can proudly say you go to particular university and people expect great things from you overall. When I graduate from this university I can proudly fly the banner of an alumni and begin to make a difference for the beterment of my community.


We're small, which gives us a sense of community, a sense of learning, and a sense of faith.


Graduating in 4 years