Texas Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas Southern University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would advise myself to think before I make irrational actions. Many college students have the tendency to go out to parties and participate in drinking games. Actions like these have more consequences than benefits; things like hangovers, etc. Hangovers cause students to miss class; missing class causes students to miss pop quizzes; missing pop quizzes causes students to fail classes; failing classes delays college graduation dates; dont be that guy that takes six years to finish his four year degree plan!


I would tell myself, you need to study, stay focused and do your homework. The one thing I woish I would have known then that I do know is to do more research on the college of my chose look at reviews and teacher reviews. The one thing I hate more than unruly classmates is a professor who just does not care. I would tell my highschool me to look into these type of things. Its unfortunate to pay to go to college only to teach yourself. Next I would definitely mention, learn study and good homework ethic! I grauate at the top of my class, well second best and did not have to do any homework, coming to college was definitely not the same! I say "Highschool Taylor, this is not easy!


If I could go back an give some advice to myself as a high school student it would be to make a list of the top five careers you would enjoy doing and choice a college that offers at least three of these careers. I would aslo recommend that you also read and get very informed about the career that you choice and understand what you are really getting yourself into and make you are prepared for the demands weather good or bad.


If I could go back in time and taIk to my high school senior self, I would tell myself to "don't get so caught up with wishing to 'fit in' that you forget to enjoy the gift of being yourself. You are valuable, you are royalty, the apple of God's eye; and don't you ever forget that. Don't be afraid to stand up for your values even if it is different from most people around you; its okay if they don't accept you for you...you are who God created you to be. And another thing, stop procrastinating! Speaking of that , remember to apply for the Who's Who scholarship which you were nominated for and for the Black Girls Rock scholarship. I'm so glad to come back in time and remind you because if I didn't, we would miss out on being in the running for altogether $30,000 worth of scholarship money. Don't be afraid to ask questions and learn as much as you can. Lastly, seek challenges that will help you develop and grow. We have so much more learning and growing to look forward to. "


If I could go back to my senior year and advise myself I would definitely recommend me to get my college basic courses done first before choosing a career path. This will allow me time to grow and explore potential career paths. Also I would tell myself to take college very seriously. Always try my hardest to get the best grades possible. Warn myself that a college final grade will follow me on a transcript for the rest of my college career. These are the only two things I feel that would have helped me achieve a more successful college career in a more timely matter.


If I could go back in time and re-live my high school senior year, I'd tell myself that I have to stay focused in math and pay attention because all the things the teacher is teaching me is all going to be needed in college. I would take a lot more time out to study some of the courses that I'll be taking in college to earn a degree in my major. Also, I would've did a lot more research about my school, courses, and major.


I would tell myself to continue to do what I was doing. However if any changes were to be made I would say study. I never studied inhigh school yet I kept good grades. These grades could have been better in any case so studying would help me if nothing else.


As I think about the decisions I made when it came down to choosing colleges and deciding on what college to attend, if i knew what i knew now i would have researched the colleges and got more dept into each school that i found myself interested in. During the entire transition i would have took my time instead of making a quick decision about a school that filled up my head with glitter and gold that I was told. I would have also attended a different University were i could focus more on my education rather then every party that goes on everyday of the week. My grades would have been better, my GPA would be higher then a 2.6, and my basketball skills level would be out of this world. I would apply myself to my books and focus on what I am trying to accomplish in life.


College is where most young men and women change into who they will be for the rest of their lives. The enviroment where we make this transformation can be the difference between succeeding and failing. It is not just about going to classes and making good grades, but about how we interact outside of academics. College brings with it a whole new world of freedom and opportunity. How we react to that new freedom and opportunity will determine our success or failure in our college career.


study hard