Texas Southern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas Southern University know before they start?


I learned independence as a college student. Its important during the transition from adolescence to adulthood that one be taught the criticality of independence and good decision-making skills. A great deal of responsibility and self-entitlement comes from independence and individual accomplishment.


College is very valuable and i have recieved may things from my experience already as a freshmen. College differs from high school greatly because in college its totally on the student to recieve their education, which teaches the students responsibility for the real world.


I would have told myself to take more AP classes, get involved in more extracurricular activiites and to study harder for the SAT and ACT. I would have also cautioned myself to read all the stories that were assigned because it would give me a head start in college. Lastly, I would have said to be prepared for hard, demanding work and to always focus on my goals.


I would tell myself that beginning the college experience is a very fun yet tough. There will be many enigma's but all can be solved by getting in contact with caring individuals on campus. Many times you're parents may not have the answers but there is always someone on campus more than willing to help you. I would also tell myself to stay focused and that the reward will always exceed the struggle. Doing thing's early are also very beneficial to your college experience. Last but not least I would say, once you've gone through these things make sure you give back and help someone younger than you. Not only will you get the satisfaction of knowing that you helped someone, but you will have made someones college experience a lot less stressful.


If I were able to give my high school senior self advice on college based on what I know now, I would tell myself to look at a few more universities and ask lots of questions. To be able to know what college life entails, one would have to live it. But as a high school student, the closest thing to living it is to ask current college students any and every question that comes to mind. As I have learned through some of my classes, it's better to take a large, general survey than a small and very exclusive one. This rule goes for requesting information from universities, applying to those you like, taking standardized tests, and asking current students questions. Another thing I would suggest to myself would be to let my english teacher edit my college applications/essays. There's no better tool than getting help from someone who's currently teaching you to give you pointers on how to present yourself better to the admission's committee. The last thing I would tell myself is to chill out, take a deeep breath, and know that wherever you go, things will work out just fine.


Join every possible organization your time and schedule will allow! Don?t be afraid to walk up and talk to people either. There are so many great people you will encounter and it all starts with being able to put yourself out there. Make sure you prioritize class, work and parties and don't be afraid to stop and ask for help. When it comes time to take speech classes make sure you enroll in Dean Wards Class. He's one of the coolest deans I think this campus has to offer. Well, I can't divulge all the secrets of college but just enjoy you. Your only young and in college once!


Pick the right school that would benefit me and my ultimate goal in life. Going to and having counsels teach/lecture me about the college life and the seriousness involved. Knowing anything is possible and to get to the top, some (like myself) start from the bottom. Being financially ready, applying for grants and scholarships alot sooner. Preparing more for college by taking more time out to get to know the university I wished to attend. Planning for the future by having a map of the steps needed to make my dream/goal into a reality. Basically, all I learned about college I witnessed by going to college, I never was aware of the college life nor was I prepared since I'm the first to go to college in my family. I would change alot of things if I could go back to high school but some wise professors/scholars say experiences are the best form of teaching, and without them we would not grow wiser.


Don't give up its not as hard as they make it seem.


If i could go back in time i would have really stressed time-managment skills. In high school teachers somewhat babied their students, constantly reminding their students of due dates and holding their hand through assignments. In college the teachers just hand you a syllabus and expect you to be responsible for whatevers on there. In high school based on your grades sometimes tutoring was required, in college if you are struggling in a subject if you dont go out in get tutoring nobodys going to make you. I would have also stressed saving money. I use to just spend money just because but now that im in college i cant afford to do that, whenever i thing i have money to spend other expenses come up like books, lab coats, ect. Im a freshman and college is really helping me come dependent.


"Kenyada, I need help picking a school to go to! I am so scared to leave home, but I do not want to stay here with mom and dad!" My younger brother, a high school junior, was asking advice for college. I was in my second year of college and loved every bit of it. He reminded me of myself only two years ago. I was so lost and wish I had someone to lead me through the entire thing. If I could go back in time the first thing I would do differently is search for scholarships. I initially came to Houston to attend Houston Baptist University. I had to transfer because both of my parents lost their jobs, and it was too expensive for me to continue going there. The second thing that I would do differently is to find a school my best friends and I could all agree on. It would of been so much easier with them here with me. Lastly, I would definitely add workstudy to my financial aid! "Hello?! Are you listening to me?" I did not realize that I was daydreaming while he was waiting on an answer!