Texas State Technical College Waco Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas State Technical College Waco know before they start?


I would tell myself to study very hard. College is not something to joke around about. It requires a lot of preparation and research. I would also tell myself to be careful and to make sure I have everything ready to go off to be on my own.


I would say to myself, keep trying hard in school. I'm doing great now as a senior in high school and I'm still going to be doing well in college. Even though college may seem scary it isn?t. I will meet new people in college and everything will be fine. Most importantly, don?t feel intimidated to be in the classroom with nothing but guys because even though my career field is mainly male dominated, which will be building construction, to feel intimidated by the other guys is not helping me. I should focus more on how I can better myself, and remember and never forget just because I 'm a female and petite I shouldn't feel like, I can't be as good or keep up with the guys just because I don't look like the typical construction worker. Once I begin to think that thought, the only thing it is doing is stopping me from reaching my potential and bettering my career skills.


I should of been ready to go into college when I graduated from high school because now it would of been best for me to gone onto college when I graduated from high school. However some of my work experience has been benefical for the trade that I am currently pursuing.


First of all I would tell my self to break up with my bum of a boyfriend. All he did was hold me back and I can clearly see that now. I would then tell myself to open up to other people and to not be so close minded to everything. This would allow me to enjoy life to the fullest and get everything I possibly could out of it. I would also tell myself about how hard it is to move to a new place with out knowing anybody, but yet how it helped make me a stronger person and more able to stand on my own with out depending on anyone else. Then I would talk about how important friends are, the new and the old, and how much it hurts to loose one when you are so far from home. I would finally talk about how tight money is and that I would need to save most of what I was making at my minimum wage job to help support myself through these two years so my family would not have to struggle as much to put me through college.


Prepare for other life changes that go hand in hand with going off to college. Keep in mind that along with this new school and town, you'll be switching homes and moving away from the support back home. Keep ahead in your studies and stay on top of scholarship oppurtunities, they are a lot of work but they are vital to your time in college and making the financial stress level down. Don't let unnecessary stressors step into your life, remember how beneficial refocusing your energy on the positive can be.


Don't be afraid most new students are feeling exactly what you are. Be outgoing; walk up to people and introduce yourself. Chances are good that the people you?re approaching were thinking about introducing themselves, too. Get involved with activities on campus and meet people outside your dorm or classes. Also enjoy yourself and have fun. College is a wonderful experience full of new and exciting things. There will be some challenges and some adjustment, but as long as you are flexible and willing to work hard, you will do very well.