Texas Tech University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas Tech University know before they start?


I would honestly tell myself to calm down. As scary as college seems in high school, it really isn't bad at all. I have had the time of my life and have genuinely learned things that I will remember for the rest of my life. I have met the people that will be in my life always and have created bonds with people that I never knew existed. I would tell myself to keep working hard, but to relax because everything will work out perfectly. A GPA is important, but it's not the most important thing.


I would tell my seft that it is not as scary as it seems. Try to decide what you want to do as soon as posible. Get more involved with activities. Don't stress out so much just take one thing on at a time.


Stress in not needed for a person who is destined to succeed. Even though this year has been the toughest for you don't let you life's situations put you down. Long as you have a higher power to look up to money will never be an issue for you. What else can you ask for Porshae'? Give yourself credit if no one else does. Your grades and experiences tell it all. College will be a challenge that you will overcome just like everything else in life you've concurred. Stay focused and don't let others or yourself put you down. All the extra credit, staying after school and work that you've done will pay off. Grandma and Papa will be very proud of you, just wait and see. Don't over analyze things that will come in time. You cannot rush the future. Take the time out to appreciate everything you do have and what will come to you.


I would give myself the advice of seriously scouting out the school i wish to attend. Tech was the only school i visited and i chose it because of it's distance to my home and my family. While distance is good, there are sometimes when I need to be back home due to emergencies or just the fact that i do love my family. Also my major was undeclared when i came here and now that i'm here i sometimes wish i looked more into what i wanted my major to be before i made the big leap to attend a school that doesn't quite have what i'm looking for. I'm enjoying my time here and still trying new things and having a good time before i crack down on my studies but i can't always go out every weekend when i know i have homework. Sometimes you can't just squeeze everything into Sunday night when you know you have other things due very close to that day. Also, life is always happening whether you want it to or not so don't miss out on it.


Quite simply, first it would be to take all the AP classes offered. Prepare for the AP tests, knowing what scores I need for credit, and to prepare to hit those marks. Additionally, I would take summer classes at Community College to prepare myself somewhat for the transition and to knock out the easy but tedious core classes; aim for just 6 hours to get a good headstart going in. I would remind myself of the importance of attending class at all costs, just because no one's watching doesn't mean you can slack off. Furthermore, when it comes to finals preparation, studying earlier is better than studying more and cramming only works for joke classes. Any real class you won't be able to cram for. At all costs I would further suggest to not take any core class at a real university when it can be taken at community college (almost guaranteed passing) and transferred. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I would strictly tell myself that the more I do right away and get done will give me more time to do everything else I want to do. Simply work before play and do it right away.


If I could go back to high school my senior year, knowing all I know now I would sit myself down and say, "Stephanie, you must study hard and learn all you can right now and obtain the best grades you are capable of. You will go to college and earn your degree. Life after college will be much easier if you get your college degree when you are young instead of waiting to you are older. Do all you can do and give everything 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}!"


The advice I would give myself would be: WORK YOUR BEHIND OFF!! My senior year, I might have slacked off more than I should have, and I could have used the better grades for more opportunities in college. Also, if I could go back, I would do more dual-credit classes so that way I could move right along through the classes that are not necessary and a waste of time and money. Working harder and doing dual-credit classes would by my only regret for not doing. I wish I had someone to tell me it would be very benefitial to do both of those instead of cruising through with "senioritis".


I would tell myself that its okay to stay at community college until I figure out what I want to do with my education and future. I would insist that don't rush away to college just to get out of my parents house. How much I would miss being with my family all of the time. How hard it is to do everything on your own with no financial support. To take advantage of the amount of college that my parents will help me with and not to waste that time worrying about things that will not even affect me later. To take control of my responsibilities, set priorities and take care of business. Study every day, not just the day before your tests. Join groups, organizations, and build relationships that hold you accountable and don't reflect you negatively. You have your whole life to have fun and be free from parents. When you finish college you will be able to spend money and you can do without that new pair of jeans. There's plenty to worry about when you enter the job field so take this time to enjoy but prioritize your life as a student.


If I could go back in time to tell myself advice about college I would tell myself to don't worry have fun but keep in mind that academics is my first priority at all times.


Hey, Nkassi. I know you're excited and all about finally getting away from high school life and getting into college life, but don't forget what this big change in your life is for. Yes, what mom and dad have been telling you since elementary school is true: you MUST work hard to succeed, because you won't get where you want to be if you don't have the drive to work for what you want to do. Don't brush off what advice your parents have given you. The "future you" has already had a semester's taste of what happens when you even try to push certain studies aside. And last, but not least: have fun. Going into med school will be tough, but that doesn't mean you should shut yourself away into your room to study. Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) needs to have a little excitement in their life. If there's one thing I learned, it's that friends are very valuable. Stress will bite you in the butt and it's up to your friends to push you through every obstacle college life has to offer you. Good luck, Nkassi!