Believe in yourself and never never say that you can not acheive your goal or goals
Someone once said to me, "In life, when you come to a fork in the road, take it." The more I look back on my college experience, the more I realize how wise those words are. So much weight is placed on seemingly huge decisions in one's life. Should I apply to this college? Should I choose this major? Should I interview for this job? Maybe these are huge decisions in the long run, but one's initial choice isn't what makes a decision succeed or fail. What one does after a decision determines its fate. As a college student who changed his mind four times before picking a major that stuck, I should know about making "wrong" decisions. I don't look at each of those alterations in course as mistakes, but rather as eye-opening experiences that taught me something about my own life. What that someone was telling me is that there are no wrong turns at a fork in one's life. No matter what the final decision is, one can rest assured - "the relationship between what you get out of a choice and what you put into it, is positive."
You should have paid more attention to chemistry because it is much more difficult in college. Please, don't get overwhelmed with your work load and enjoy all of the spare time you may have. Become more involved in extra curriculum activities and don't be home sick. Home is always where the heart lays, but it will always be there.
"I don?t have time to explain how I got here! I just need you to listen carefully. You will be attending college in the fall and there are things you need to know if you want a good freshman year. Get a meal plan that will cover three meals a day, plus snacks. You don?t want to call your mom mid-semester to tell her that you can?t buy food because your meal plan didn?t cover all those late night study cessions. Another thing, wait to buy your books till after the first day of class. Half the teachers don?t use the required book, and if you buy ahead of time your $1,000 dollars down with a useless stack of books. Lastly pick a major you love, not one that pays. It took me four months of hating my major to realize that it was okay to major in something that I liked. I had to learn it the hard way but if you listen to my advice you won?t have to. If you just embrace who you are, and let your heart guide you, freshmen year won?t be quite so daunting?.
Please take the SAT's again that extra kick to 2000 would have helped. You should have taken more dual credit but it's not so bad. Congrats on fiding out early what you want to do, you wouldn't beleive how many people switch majors! ENjoy it! but the best is yet to come! =)
I would definitely have told myself to apply for as many scholarships as I could and save as much money as possible. I would have gotten a summer job instead of using it as a last fun, free time. I would have made sure I stuck to my college plan instead of slacking off and not taken a full semester of courses. Basically, I would tell myself to take my college future more seriously.
I think the advice I would give myself is have the drive to be successful and be willing to work hard for what you want to get out of your life. I would tell myself that college is nothing like high school life. There is more homework, more papers to write, and more activities that you can be divulged in. The transition to college is hard at first, and having to live without family and making ends meet on your own can be a challenge when first starting out in the college world. I would also encourage myself to make sure and have a plan for what I wish to accomplish after graduating high school. Having an idea of what major you want to be in and finding something that you love to do is difficult, but if you are able to discover what you want within that first year, you will end up paying less as a college student by not switching majors. I would finally tell myself that when you work hard, you can play hard. These college years are once in a lifetime, and you only live once, so enjoy it while it lasts!!!
Pay attention to the small things earlier in life. It is hard being so far away from family, getting sick and no one being there to take care of you, having to work to pay for your expenses while trying to study and go to school and still have a social life with the school. Learn better study habits and form an alliance with friends that are going to the same school. Most of all, learn to stop and smell the roses. College life is extremely stressful and you need to know an outlet other than school, school, school.
To be a serious student even though if I had good grades-- but I could have done better and be more motivated. You really need a lot of motivations when you are in college because it is all up to you to make the choices. There are no one out there to "baby" you or remind you about the deadlines. You need to be prepared everyday and keep small notes/or a schedule book with you all the time because it will help in the long run!