Texas Tech University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I knew more about the course work and how much we would be getting.


I wish I had known more about Lubbock, the city in which Texas Tech is located. Lubbock is in the northwestern part of Texas. It has a dry and windy weather. Personally, I prefer a mild hot weather as in Florida or Carlifonia. Secondly, I feel like Texas Tech does not fulfil my ambitions. Texas Tech is a good school with a top engineering school but I feel like the students are not willing to learn. The students just want to pass and graduate instead of actually learning the material.


I researched the school and visited more than once, it was perfect for me! I knew everything about it except for the exact location of my future classes, which is very easy to figure out.


I wish I had known about all the functions. I never went to any, mostly because I didnt know about them. It feels like I kind of missed out on the whole experience.


I believed that I had research the University well enough, that I knew everything about the University before I attended.


I wish I had known more about real campus life. Tech dresses itself up for univeristy day. The rest of the time campus is ugly. They put on a show for a few weeks each year and then are trashy rude and gross the rest of the time. If you are thinking about any college seriously go one day without your parents and when its just an average day and act like a student. See what its really like and how people really treat you. Then make a decision!


I wish I had known how windy it can be and how cold it can get in the winter time. I also wish I had known how rowdy our football games can get! The fans are crazy but it makes it that much more fun!


I wish I would have known how hard it is to get a scholarship, as they typically go to top scholars--those that performed extraordinarily well on the ACT/SAT tests. I wish, then, that I would have found some sort of resource that provides financial help to those who are not considered "in need" by the FAFSA but aren't quite smart enough to get the "merit based" super genius scholarships.


I wish i would have known har far it was from home. The 9 hour drive kills you.


I wish I'd known more about different types of majors and what I could do with them in life, in reference to a career life.