The College of Saint Rose Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about The College of Saint Rose!


A Very racist school


It is a small school where everyone knows each other. I really like that we are almost like a family, but SUNY Albany is still close enough for us to interact with.


it offers the degree i wanted and is close to home


The College of Saint Rose is a very unique college. This college can be considered to be a liberal arts school, the main goal of college is to prepare students for life after college, and they succede in doing this. Another unique characteristic is that this college is a very musical college, so students playing music on the lawn and open mic nights are the best way to meet new people.


The College of Saint Rose creates a warm environment offering multiple possibilities for the undergraduate as well as graduate student. Help is always available whether it be from faculty and staff or fellow students. It is a small community within a big city creating a warm and inviting environment for students living on campus as well as for commuter students.


The school is smaller, therefore the community is more closely-knitt than others. It also has a more friendly atmosphere than the other colleges I was considering.


My school has professors that like to help students and care about the students' well-being. Professors do actually want to see students attain success.


It is small, which means there is a much closer teacher-student relationship.


I liked how small it is and the concept of serving and giving to community that is stressed here at the school.


There is a real sense of connection and community at my school, which I think is quite rare. I transferred to Saint Rose from a 4-year, private college where it was very hard to make friends, and there was no sense of unity. The College of Saint Rose cares about its student body, and everyone seems to be very friendly and united.