The College of Wooster Top Questions

Describe the students at The College of Wooster.


My classmates tended to be encouraging of new ideas, ready for a challenge (though we'll complain about the work), intelligent, and usually engaged.


A lot of diversity among the students. Very accepting of each other.


Classmates are extremely willing to help and share their ideas/suggestions/opinions openly.


Intelligent, and unafraid of work.


Though we all have different passions, friends, clothes, acccents, ambitions, and reasons for being here, each and everyone of us walked through Kauke Arch dring orientation and plan on walking back accross the quad and through the arch together when we graduate.


Eager to explore and learn new things.


Smart, engaging students who worked hard and had fun.


My classmates are smart, hard working, friendly, and curteous.


All kinds: braniacs who exceled at everything, superficial/fashionable girls, musicians, hippies, hipsters, zombies, horse girls, jugglers, free-thinkers, sluts and lovers, W.O.W./cape kids, stoners who slacked off, stoners who actually added a lot to your classes, rugged ultimate-frisbee types, jocks you wished would get kicked out, intelligent cheerleaders, rock-climbers, artists, dreamers, international kids with crazy music tastes, frat boys, sorrority girls, coffee shop types, poor kids, rich kids, career-oriented people who wanted to get ahead, lazy kids who went to college without much thought...


kids, many of which don't know the meaning of the word "struggle"