When looking at schools you must consider what is right for you. How do you know what you want? One can do this by researching schools based on what you and your family would like for you to experience. Visit all kinds of schools. It helps narrow down your choices and then you are on your way. How do you feel when you when you step on campus? I knew I did not need to look after visiting Alabama. Everything felt right for me. I did have friends that visited Alabama and hated it, so don't pick based on what your friend(s) want. Doing what some of my friends wanted was not right for me. Honestly that is the way to live your whole college experience. It's all about choices - making the right choices. Do what feels right to you, based on what you have learned and experienced growing up. This is your future and your college experience will be one of the most important journeys in your life. It will direct and shape the beginning of your adult life. Picking a school isn't easy, but there are many resources to help.
Find a school that makes the student relaxed and looks foward to attend.
Check out the opportunities, on campus, and look into the advising situation. You will have to work a lot with your advisor, and it's much easier when they work well with you. Check out the climate at the school. You're gonna be there for four years, if you don't like the cold and it snows most of the year, you won't be happy.
First to the parents, I would recommend you be open minded as to the potential choice of college your child would like to attend. Let the student have primary input as to the college she/he would like to attend. Be supportive of the various choices of colleges the student would like to look in to attending. Help the student analyze the various aspects of each college. Try to determine what is the right fit for the student. For the student, keep your choices open. Don't fall in line with what some of your friends may be considering. What's right for them may not be right for you. There is a big adjustment going from high school to college. You will be "on your own" for probably the first time. Understand all that means. There will be significant changes and experiences you will encounter as you start your college journey. Enjoy and absorb all of the various things you will encounter. Use this to prepare yourself for the rest of your life.
When it comes time to choose a college that is right for you, You have to look a little deeper then just what school it is. It really depends on the person. Location of the school can be an issue, how far do you want to be away from home. Do you want to be close to a specific location. Also look into the size of the school, How well will you adapt in a big enviornment? Do you meet new people easliy? If you want to be involved in any activities, you have to see all the things that the school offers. Check out the Majors that a school offers and how sucessful the people are when they graduate. When it is time to choose a school you have to ask yourself these questions and research each school choice to figure out which school fits youself.
I think that every student should be allowed to choose the college or university that is best suited for them. Parents should be active in helping students make the right decisions. I would advise visiting your choice of college to get a better understanding of the life there. Also, don't rush into any decisions just because someone else wants you to go there or you heard it was fun. Make a decision based on factors in your own life.
I would say that just choose what makes you happy and what suits you best. I would recommend visiting the campus and sitting in on a class or two to see if you like the feel of the classroom there. I would also go around campus and see if you feel at home there and is there more there to offer you than just academics. See if they have some exra-curricular activities that interest you there because success does not just depend on your academics but how happy you are as well. Because if you are down and depressed then you will not operate and make the grades you want. Also your happiness will help you to make the most of your experiences in college. The extra-curricular activities will also help you to make the most of your college career.
I would make sure that you decide a school for you, not for your family or friends. Your family will support you no matter what you decide, and you will have your high school friends forever and make even stronger friendships and relationships wherever you go. Also- students, have fun but safe, responsible fun!
Finding the right college isn't about what your parents want. Finding a college also isn't about what your friends want. It is about what you want as a student. As a high school senior, you have to decide what school best fits your needs. In my case, the University of Alabama fit my needs as a finance major since this school is known for its outstanding business school credentials. It is also not wise to attend a school for the sole reason or purpose that your friends will be going there, since college is the time in one's life that new friends will be met. One's main purpose in life is to be happy, so in order to be happy, one has to attend the school that best fits their every need. As a parent, you have to be supportive of what your child wants to do because I have seen the scenario too many times where a child is forced to go to a certain university due to their parent's association with them. The main point I am trying to make is follow your dreams because there is no rewind button.
When you chose a college, make sure you get that at home feeling when you visit. Thats when you know you have chosen the right school!