The University of Montana Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Montana know before they start?


My college experience has been a long roller coaster ride. At times there have been many struggles, distractions and obstacles along the way, but I realized that the will to succeed will bring a person to success. When i started college I had high expectations of myself to do well in my classes. I worked hard and actually did well in my studies. I applied for a program twice and did not make it into the program. This was a significant crush to me. I was very disappointed and unhappy. After this episode in my life my school work went down the drain and I lost focus in my studies. I didn't know what to do. A few semesters went by and i realized that i needed to choose a new major. I refocused and regrouped and my last semester I took 19 credits and received a 3.79 GPA. It was the hardest semester of my life. I also worked part-time and had time to go snowboarding and play hockey. I believe that because of this experience i have learned a valuable lesson. Life can bring you down, but it's how u get up that matters.


College has been an eye opener for me. When I was in high school, living with my parents, I always had to make sure what choices I made in my life were okay with my parents. But when


The first day of college was one of the most exciting days of my life. It was the begining of a new era of my life. College professors are much different than teachers in high school, because they expect more out of you. The amount of work that is given is much greater than that of high school classes. One of the most scary parts of the college experience is actually being on your own and not having your mother and father there for you all of the time. They are not there to tell you to get up and go to class or to do your homework, and that is why it is the time of your life in which you must truly become a responsible person. Depending on your degree it can be the most important 2-8 years of your life. It may take more than eight years but whatever the degree is studies show that you will make on average$ 25,000 more with a college degree. Therefore, taking these years and really buckling down and working hard is worth it.


I developed critical thinking skills, a better sense of myself, and wonderful friends. College was a great environment for me to accel in a field that I feel passionate about and provided an opportunity to meet people who have a similar goal. Going to college assisted me to get a job that I wanted and know that I have the potential and confidence to apply what I learned in the workfield. I value the opinion of others and I was lucky to have a couple of classes where discussion was common and I gained insight on what others thought and why. Having professors who cared and wanted me to succeed helped me feel that I made the right choice to be in college. I love to learn and was interested in all the possible opportunities my college offered, such as: giving back to the community, being involved in intramural soccer, the variety of extracurricular activities, interesting people, and biking to and from school. I believe knowledge is power and college gave me the confidence and ambition to apply what I learned to make a difference and to believe in myself.


I came to college with a set plan, a set goal and was content upon starting and completing that goal in four year. However, my year and a half here at the University has opened my mind, heart and eyes to oppurtunities better suited for me than I ever thought imaginable. I have learned no matter how much you think you know, you can always learn more. No matter who you know, you can always find room in your life for more people. And even if you think you cannot improve anymore, there is always room for self improvment. These are extremely valuable lessons that have not only helped me in my colligate activities, but will continue to help me throughout my life.


Although I just started attending school in the Fall 2010 semester, I have gotten many things out of my college experience. I have learned that I have to spend time on subjects if I want to get a decent grade because it isn't like high school at all in that it challenges me more as a student. Independence is the main trait I have received by attending college. Living on my own, paying for things myself, and taking responsibility to be an excellent student have all taught me how to be more independant. Although my GPA doesn't show it, I believe I have worked hard for my grades. It took some adjusting to the classes and teachers to get an acceptable grade on a test, but I think I did well making the right adjustments. The most challenging class I had, I received a C in because even though the tests were very hard, I took time to read the material and take notes. Although a C isn't a very good grade I take pride in it because I worked hard for that grade and deserved it.


I entered college as a freshman unsure of myself, and unsure of my abilites. Through my first semester I have learned so much about life itself. I’ve learned that there will be times when bad choices will occur, and the best thing I can do is be honest with myself, and with others. I’ve learned that no matter what, "my best" is the most important thing anyone will ever expect from me. I’ve learned how to adapt to a new work environment, and to a new life style. I’ve learned to budget properly, and how the significance of that can mean the difference between returning next semester or going back home to stay with my parents. I’ve learned that there are some phenomenal people in the world who I can trust, respect, depend upon, and adore. I’ve learned that my best friends are the ones with me when I am at my lowest and most vulnerable. But what I have learned most this semester is how to be responsible, mature, and self-confident. I transitioned out of that high school mentality and I'm now ready to begin my journey through College.


I have gotten so much out of college in these past three years. I have made great friends whome I never would have met if I had stayed at home and not gone after higher education. Along with meeting great friends I have also found a love for learning American Sign Language and forestry. I am currently debating whether or not to have a minor in either. Attending college has also helped me become more independent and break out of my shell. I used to be very shy but now I am social and outgoing.


When I first started attending the University of Montana I was embarrassingly selfish. I focused solely on my problems while ignoring all the more important worldly evils. I was accustomed to beauty and that’s what got me hooked to Montana. I remember being so mesmerized by the loveliness and grand style of all the buildings. But the gorgeous outlay of the mountains surrounding the entire town is what actually fixed my attention. This environment is so full of beauty, and thankfully made me enjoy learning so much more. Because even though as human beings we try to deny our superficial selves, appearances are always what seize our interest first. However, the education of a college town is what never lets us leave. This college challenges me in more ways than one and makes me be a better individual for this colossal world. Montana has challenged me intellectually, and has made me realize exactly who I am and what I want to become. Montana has challenged me maturity wise, making me grow up and focus on other’s problems instead of my own. Most importantly, Montana has shown me how to be valuable individual creating solutions for our world.


My college experience has been exciting, hard, frustrating, and a lot of work. All of these experiences have made my schooling at The University of Montana very worth while and valuable because they have helped me become a well-rounded individual. The sense of pride in the school and among peers is moving and makes athletic events very exciting to attend and be a part of. My professors have pushed me so I can see what I am capable of accomplishing and achieving in the academic and real-world settings. The amount of work I have put in to my education at The University of Montana has been rewarding and frustrating. When I felt I could not accomplish what my professors believed I could accomplish, my professors have been supportive and available to talk about my concerns. After I accomplished my goals and put in a lot of hard work, my college experience has been rewarding and very exciting. It is amazing to have professors who are competent and available to help students. The University of Montana has been an invaluable experience and definitely worth while to attend.