Go to college right after highschool, to get the full college experience rather than be a non-traditional student.
As a high school senior I would have wanted to know about how the credit system works and of ways and places to find college text books cheaper. At first I thought the school's credit system seemed confusing and difficult but later I learned how the credits added up, which brought my anxiety of being able to graduate in 4 years at ease. Prices of textbook stressed me out, especially knowing that I am on a tight budget. If I would have known of the option of renting and buying in bundles would give me discounts, I would have saved at least 200 dollars. Thankfully I learned from that experience and saved a whole lot more when I purchased books for my 2nd semester. These advices would have saved me the stress and money in my transition to college life.
Go to a regular public high school and take as many AP courses that you can. Study hard for every test! Get rid of your current boyfriend, he isn't what you need in your life right now. You need to concentrate on yourself and make yourself the best that you can be! Remember that you can do anything you can set your mind on. Your beautiful, inside and out so don't let anyone tell you any different.
Definitely try to get to know your roommate before you get to campus. My first roommate and I were not alike in our lifestyles, but by the time we realized that, it was too late to switch roommates. If you do end up with a roommate that you don't mesh well with, be patient and try to compromise; otherwise, the semester may not be as wonderful as you expected.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing I knowing what I know now about college life, I would tell myself not to lose focus. It is too easy to become distracted by non "school related" activities and to leave homework and studying behind, so it is important to stay focused and remain studious as much as possible.
Assuming I could go back in time and talk to myself, I'd be pretty freaked out. I mean, who wouldn't? Keeping that in mind, if I had to give myself some advice about the future, I would hit myself upside the head and say "Quit worrying and just get things done." Something I've discovered in the last year is that no matter how weird or awful things get, time is just going to keep on moving, whether you're eady or not. So, by telling myself to just relax, it would save me a whole lot of frustration. Not everything can be perfect, obviously. In a perfect world, I wouldn't have to write this essay in an attempt to scrounge up enough money to keep myself enrolled in college. In a perfect world, I wouldn't want to go back in time, I wouldn't HAVE to give myself advice! So, just keep on trying, I'll say. Things will get better, then they'll get worse and eventually back to better again. Enjoy things while all you have to worry about is a scholarship essay.
Look around you. Realize what the world has to offer. Realize what you have to offer the world. It is an amazing place and you are an amazing person. Learn to explore, travel, question your perspectives and challenge yourself. Don’t be limited by what you know, understand or feel comfortable with. Don’t shy away from a path or direction that may take some work, or to take responsibility to enhance a life whether is it yours or someone else’s. Take advantage of opportunities, help or advice, but not of people. Tread lightly on this planet, be grateful for what you have, but follow your convictions with strength. I know this is very general advice, but these ideas will help you to navigate not only your college experience, but your life and world experience. Adopt fully and live with courage by the wise words of Mark Twain:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
I started college summer courses at University of Great Falls the day after I graduated from highschool, so the transition was rather abrubt. If I could go back and give myself some advice it'd be, take advantage of the resources offered. Also i'd remind myself that what I was doing then was the right choice and will put me ahead in the long run. Most importantly, I would pressure myself to be more socialable, and that strong communication skills will also be of great importance once I got to campus. If I had the chance I would also relay the message to my highschool self that having fun in college is part of life, and to not load up on credits in hopes of finishing early, enjoy the ride.
I would advise myself to get more envolved with my schools extra curricular ativities. They would help me make many friends who ended up coming to the university with me. It would help me feel like I have a better social life and not such a school based life. I would also adive myself that talking to the school advisor was a firend and not something to be scared of. I wish I had the courage to talk to him about college and scholorships. I would just tell my self that I needed to stop being scared of the future. I needed to grab it by the horns to say. I would advise myself to look for different schools and programs to see what is best for me. I do not regret coming to this university but it would have been nice to have options to choose from. I would also give the best advice which is to study for all my classes and finish school feeling accomplished with the best grades I could.
Rosemary, as your future self, I am begging you to loosen up and let go a little! You can't always plan for every obstacle that will/can possibly come your way. Instead, invest your time in the 'now'. You are a very smart and capable girl, regardless of how unsure of yourself you are now, things won't always be this way. You will one day be comfortable in your own skin, and let yourself be exactly that..YOURSELF. Take charge of your future! Don't stand in the back of the crowd! Push your way to the front, because that is where you deserve to be! Fight for what you want, and don't let others take your dreams from you. Your dreams are attainable no matter how big they are, some just take more work than others. Most importantly, what others think of you is none of your business. Don't worry about fitting in, if you are true to yourself everything will fall into place. College isn't like high school in any way, shape or form. Be excited, bright-eyed and ready to learn! Your degree awaits your open hands! Snatch it!