The University of Tampa Top Questions

Describe the students at The University of Tampa.


The student body is very diverse. Like I said, many international students, many attractive northeasterners, and many nice Floridians that wanted to come to a private university. Although the student body has a lot of outgoing, timid, good-looking, geeks, jocks, we all chose Tampa which unifies everyone. Sometimes it can feel like you're in high school at Tampa, it can be really dramatic. I think it would be hard to be a really academically-driven person who does not go out at all to come to our school. I'd say a good fit would be if you are social, love to do things, be entertained and experience life. For the most part, students that graduate from Tampa will get a good job because we have a level of expectations.


The student body is very diverse. Students from all over the country and the world attend each year. All different types of backgrounds, lifestyles, and personalities. It really is great, sort of a perfect petri-dish for growing college students. There are people voicing their opinions and stands all the time. I have never felt uncomfortable talking about what I believe it.




The classmates at The University of Tampa are diverse and eager to learn.


My classmates are really friendly and work as hard as the amount of fun they seek out.


My classmates are not very focused on school. Most people care a lot about going out and partying and do not care enough about doing well in school. My school is not very diversed, most of my classmates are white and we have a bunch of international students as well.


Mostly white, upper-middle class, privileged students who are usually living off of their parents' money and only attending the University because of the weather as most students are from the Northeast US.


They really enjoy parties.


Very focused on learning and succeeding.


Very diverse yet sometimes cliquey.