I brag about the student/facutly ratio and the amount one on one time I get to have with my professors as they care more about how much you learned over a letter grade. I am a visual learner and a lot of the film aspects I am learning are hands on which really helps me learn a lot faster than reading from a book. I love the small school feel and the sense of community that is on campus. Everyone is accepting of others and their is always a ton of activities going on during the school week.
That I'm located right next to the beach in sunny florida. Which is also located right next to the Tampa Bay Rays stadium and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers!. Great sports programs and nice small class sizes.
I tell my friends that I am able to be a part of many different organizations and that I am able to be involved in whatever I want to be a part of. I tell my friends how much I love my jobs and that even though I do not live the life of a normal college student, I would not change it for anything. I love my busy, crazy life.
I usually tell my friends how wonderful the campus is. All the buildings are close in distance and are easy to walk too. I also say that the university offers lost of different organizations and activities for students to get invovled with on campus. Also the class sizes are small, so it is easier to make friends and meet with your professors.
In the United States in the winter, Florida is the warmest state always providing me with sunshine. I am always bragging about the weather and how I get to walk around campus in a simple t-shirt and shorts and just carry a raincoat in my bag. My campus is beautiful and even has their own pool to relax at. The University of Tampa is a private school and the classes don't hold that many people. I think that this gives you the chance to get to know everyone on a person level including the professor.
That my classes are in one of the oldest hotels in the US. The weather is between 70 and 90 all year round. The beach is only a 30 minute drive away. And everyone around, even in the city, are friendly.
The location! It is unbelivable, right in downtown Tampa.
I love to tell other people about the College of Natural Health and Sciences. I believe that both Florida and California have great science schools. I came upon a gem when I choose UT as my undergraduate school. I have a great advisor for my major Biochemistry, Professor Carastro. The Department of Chemistry and Physics offers the right type of courses such as Tissue Culture and Intro to Research. The Biology classes are also a challenge and teach me exactly what I need to know. I will definitely take pride in UT’s science program.
The weather, location and over all appearance of the school. We have many beaches close to us and an outdoor pool on campus. We are also located right in the heart of downtown Tampa where there are numerous opportunities for jobs and future careers, as well as many things to do to keep us all entertained. We also have wonderful intership programs and tons of possibilities for the future.
I would say that besides an incredibly beautiful campus, UT is extremely dedicated to your personal success and makes each student feel like they truly matter to the University. Most colleges allow students to get lost in the shuffle, but UT is designed to maximize your education with guidance and a plethora of tools.