The University of Tampa Top Questions

What kind of person should attend The University of Tampa?


The person who should attend this school is one who wants to achieve in life. This person would want a good paying job and a lot of connections. Also this person would have to be focused on school and not partying. Another thing is this person would have to be strong minded and attentive on his or her education. A student who is goal oriented and had good time management would also strive at this university.


Someone who wants to be warm year round and both studious yet outdoorsie


any race, religion, liberal. likes diversity, big campuses and classes. is involved in school sports or spirit. independent learner.


People who are motivated to succeed and like small class sizes with more one-on-one individual attention from the professors. People who want to be involved in a sorority or fraternity. People who want to go to grad school or beyond. People who like to party on the weekends, but doesn't usually skip or fall behind in class.


someone open mindded, with an idea of the ourside world, not just his/her home town. someone fun, with enthusiastic and new ideas for teh community. someone ready to help within the school and outside. someone kind to others


A weel behaved person, with high expectations and well bases academic background in order to be successful


Fun, outgoing people who love to go out and have a good time.


Well the main draw of the school is the size and location so basically anyone looking to go to a smallish college right near downtown (or in a Florida city, etc.)