The University of Tampa Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about The University of Tampa?


The most frustrating thing about attending University of Tampa is not having any free transportation services. Although we have cab services that take us from the university of $3, it is hard to find a cab that will return students to the university on the $3 charge. A lot of campuses provide students with free shuttle services, but we do not have that option at the University of Tampa. This frustrates me because I want to and from school everyday as late as 8:30 at night because I cannot afford cabs every day.


The most frustrating thing about my school is lack of coordination with students as far as the administration offices are concerned. These offices include Financial Aid, Bursars, Administraion, and Academic Success. There were multiple times throughout the school year where I was requested to fill out paper work or pay for something that I was unaware of until the last minute. Another thing includes the failure to provide decent dining places that serve healthy food. Most of the facilities serve high carb or high fat food.


The most frustrating thing about the University of Tampa is the lack of parking. Although freshmen are allowed to bring their own personal cars to campus, there is barely enough parking spaces to accommodate all of the cars that commute to my school. Additionally, the security guards are very strict when it comes to parking, and they are not afraid to give someone a ticket for parking in the wrong space, even if the person is in their car getting ready to leave. The University of Tampa is trying to address this issue by building a new parking garage.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of school spirit and the lack of campus morale in conncetion with sports and events.


Most frustrating thing would be having busy days with classes, clubs, and work.


The kind of people that attend this school. Many of these student's are not fully serious about their education and are only concerned with their social life which includes partying and clubing. It is very hard to get a long with many of the students there when I'm trying to pass all my classes and focus on my education when all they want to do is party and sleep around. It's frustrating to deal with students that don't have much self discipline.


I am not attending yet.


Although Tampa has many positive aspects, you won't realize the negatives until you are enrolled here. For one its size can be great if you like small universities but you will tend to see same people since there are only around 7,000 students. Also for a tuition in the thirty thousands you would wonder where exactly all of the money is going to. There is no football team and our basketball team is not the best either. The university is located in the city so you have to watch out and know where you are going.


That I no longer attend!


There is no school spirit.