The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have gotten a campus tour and learned more about the school and its campus. I still do not know much about it except for the parts I am involved in. It would have helped me so I would have known good study spots and places to get food and hang out during breaks. I would have been more knowledgeable about the resources that are provided to me.


How to study in a more timely manner.


I wish I had known that I had looked into all the majors provided by the school because compared to other univeristies ours is limited.


I wish I had known more about my surroundings, such as where restaurants or shopping centers are located and being familiar with the names of roads.


I wish that I had taken scholarships and the ACT more seiously. Although I applied for many scholarships and achieved a nice score on the ACT, I wish I would have worked just a little harder. I also wish I understood how competitive financial aid for school was. I always assumed that if I worked hard and made good grades I could go to college where ever I wanted to. Now I understand the realities of the costs of being a college student.


I wish i had known more about the campus itself and all that it has to offer. I wish i had done more research and had better prepared myself for the start of the school year since I am a transfer student from Illinois. Just doing my research I couldve had the opportunity to be a part of more on campus activites and groups but I have now missed that window of opportunity.


I wish I had known exactly what I wanted to do straight out of high school. The advisors we're not particularly understanding that I didn't know what I wanted to major in during my first year. I also wish I had a better understanding of my own strengths and I wish I had known that I was better at writing than I told myself I was. It has taken me a while find my place here, but I'm slowly finding myself.


I wish i had a better foundation of chemistry built up. Highschool did not prepare me.


I wish I had truly known what college life is like. Meaning, how a college student lives and the best way to prepare for this. As well as how to focus best with tons of distractions that come with setting out on one's own.


About what classes I needed to take for general education that I could've taken in high school so I could be ahead.