The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at The University of Tennessee-Knoxville accurate?


Well, there are definitly a lot of students who come here to party, but those kids flunk out after their 1st year. Most students care about academics and have a good balance.


Yes, Very accurate.


Parts of the campus are ugly, like Humanities and Glocker but the Hill is beautiful. I do believe parts of knoxville have many bums but again other parts dont. UTK is a football campus defiinitely, but now we are basketball too


although our sports program is a big part of campus, so is our academics, the classes here present challenges and its very difficult to just get by without studying. It seems that all the students do is party, but it is usually a select group that parties and you see the same people all the time going out.


Yes and no. Yes UT has lived up to its party school reputation but not every student drink all the time. There a good number of students don't drink at all.


I think people misinterpret 'Big Orange Pride' for stupidity. If I never study, how have I maintained a 3.7 GPA? There are a lot of conservative Christians on campus, however the liberal side of campus is also a huge force.


not at all


For the most part, they are pretty true. However, like every school not everyones like that we have a wide variety of people that go here.


No, we are strong in academics too, we just get media coverage for our sports programs.


Absolutely not. I've met some of the smartest people I know here and I know a good number of people that don't party.