The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at The University of Tennessee-Knoxville accurate?


NO! We have a very diverse campus.


A lot of people party, but at the same time the classes are tough and most people I know don't let the partying get out of control and make good grades.


Not really! A good portion of school, but not everyone.


This of course is very false. I have met some of the most intelligent and motivated people at UTK.


No. Just because I am in a sorority does not mean that I do not know what the real world is about. It just means that I was coming to a big school and wanted to get involved with a smaller group to meet people and do something other than jsut school. And, just because sports are a big thing at our school, when you look around, more people do not care about it than do.


No. I feel we do have a very diverse campus. I feel a certain percentage of students party often, but a mass majority of students realize why they are here and make education their main priority.


No, I've actually met a lot of people that don't


yes some are and some are not


for some students yes but i will say that utk parties alot more than other universities


yes there is a large group of those stereotypes