If i could go back to when i was a high school senior i would tell myself to slow down and enjoy the times i was having at the moment. High school is a stressful but easy time, unlike college. In college you have to take on the full responsibility of being an adult and you are in charge of making sure everything that needs to be done is done. When i was a high school senior the tests were not as difficult and the need to study was not prominent. In college those are the main two difficult and important things.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self I would tell me to take my grades and classes more seriously. I would say that college is hard, and to better prepare you need to make good grades and take the college bound courses. Had I done that in high school not only would I have been better prepared, but I would have been awarded money for college depending on my G.P.A. I would also tell myself to go to college right after graduating high school, because it would have made for an easier transition. Had I done that, it wouldn't have been such a shock to go back to school after being out for over six years. Finally, I would tell myelf not to give up even when mistakes are made. I would say learn from those mistakes, make better choices next time, and keep moving forward towards your goals.
If I was able to talk to my high school self, I would say to stay focused, be smarter about student loans, learn to play an instrument, take every chance possible to travel, but above all enjoy life and the appreciate loved ones who surround you.
Look outside of your small rural surroundings and realize that your grades in high school will matter. Your high school grades have the potential to set you up for a prosperous future or send you down a path of mixed priorities and mediocrity. Do not limit yourself and look at where the Unites States will be in 10 years. What value will you be able to add to that economy? Why will people need your skills and want to pay you? Enjoy life but take it seriously.
I would say that I need to prepare more in advance. I came to college with the idea that I would be able to succeed because I was in the top of my class in highschool. I panicked the first day of class and attempted to withdraw from school. I would tell my high school self that I need to learn how to think for myself and not be so dependent on my mother helping me with decisions. If I was more dependent, I don't think applying to grad schools would be as hard as I am finding it to be. Mostly, I would say that the important thing is to get the degree. A lot of times I have felt that what I am doing is pointless. I would say that college is one of the most important decisions, and that I shouldn't be flippant about it. One of the biggest things that happens during college is how much you change. I would say to embrace the changes and don't be upset. Because the main lesson to learn is that change means growth, and that is always a good thing.
Assuming I could go back and give myself advice, I would advise mysef to do two things. The first would be to pick a STEM major and the second would be to get constant guidance from a academic counselor. Upon entering my first year of college I had no one to instruct me on what would be a good major nor did I know the right questions to ask. The reason I would have chosen a Science, Technoloy, Engineering, or Math major is because they lead to high paying jobs. Also they lead to jobs that contribute the most to society. When you look at everything that makes our lives easier or healthier we own that to scientists and engineers. Constant guidance would have kept me on track and I would have finished when I was younger. To put it in a nut shell, I would have picked a major that I would be proud to tell people about and get the guidance I needed to get that degree.
I would tell myself to apply for many more scholarships much sooner. I would also say to prepare yourself for a lot of times where you think you know what you want in life or where you want to be after you graduate but you don't. Also, stick to one major and refrain from changing it, because your scholarahip will run out before you have finished your education. Be prepared for many hard financial struggles and little help from the university's financial aid department. In addition, remember to study more as an underclassman so as to recieve more scholarship opportunities based on merit. This is something to remember because as an upperclassman, there are hardly any opportunities for scholarships based on anything you qualify for. Therefore, you need to save your money much more effectively and get used to the taste of Ramen noodles, Taco Bell, and grilled cheese sandwiches. Most importantly, enjoy your summer breaks because you will be busy in your next few. Life hits you hard and fast, and there is no way to be fully prepared for it, so relax a little.
Take advantage of AP and dual credit courses while you can.
Stay in school do not wait for life to happen. You need to go out and MAKE life happen to you! Get your education now while you can stay at home and save and better afford it.
I would tell my self that you are in for some hard times because you did not prepare your self like you should have. College is very different from high school. You are responsible for making sure you have what you need and if you don't the only person to blame is you. I would tell my self to be aware of my surroundings and always pay attention to what is going on. Applying for as many scholarships and grants as you can its very important because COLLEGE IS NOT CHEAP! It is never too late to get a head start on preparing for the future. While keeping all this in mind I would also tell myself to have fun take advantage of all the opportunities to learn and grow! The transition from high school to college is a little easier if you have a plan. Saving money and spending wisely is the key. You will meet different people who are about different things, keep your goals in mind and choose your friends wisely. Always be on the look out for opportunities to save and receive money to help you with school. Most of all never lose your focus.