I would have worked a little harder in high school to get my GPA up, so I could have got the Tennessee Hope Scholarship. But I was young and didn't know any better at the time. But the main thing would be to tell myself, ":you better work harder and get that GPA up high."
Pick a college that best suits your personality. Make sure that you won't get lost in a big college if you are a person who doesn't like big crowds. Try to go away to college because it makes you grow up and take on responsibilty. It also makes you appreciate everything that your parents have done for you. Give yourself a chance to like your college once you get there. Don't stay for a week and get homesick and give up and go home, stay for the first semester and give yourself time to adjust. Make a wise choice about how much the tuition is going to cost you compared to what you will be making when you get out. Don't pay $40,000 a year for tuition to get a job making $30,000 a year. Don't waist your parents or your money when you get there. Try your best and get the best grades possible. Make sure you do your very best the first semester because you do not want to dig yourself in a hole with your GPA and then try to make it up over the next 3 1/2 years.
Dear Taylor,
Only 116 more days, right? Then, you get to go to UT Martin.
I just want you to know, that you are not as prepared as you think you are. You are moving four hours away, and you only know one person there. I know you are really ready and invested on this, and I don't want you to lose that, but you really have to realized high school is NOT college. It is rough. You will be confused; you will falter. It does suck, but you know what? It is okay! Seriously, I know you don't believe me, and probably think I am crazy, and you might be right. However, this is just a part of life to get used to. You will get knocked down and blindsighted. It won't be easy. Just think of it this way, everytime you get knocked down instead of thinking you have to dust yourself off, think of it as you are being sugar coated, and each time you can make your life sweeter from the experience. Like I said, trust me on this one. There is so much to learn!
P.S.- Pack lightly, too.
I would tell myself that I should get out more and be more sociable. There are so many things that could help you along the way. I would also advise myself to expect the unexpected and no matter what happens always keep going until you make it through.
I would go back and tell myself to join the clubs I normally am in. I would, also, prepare myself with studying more for my tests. I would tell myself not to let the senioritis kick in and to work hard on all school work until I reach the end of the finish line. Graduating high school is a big step, but mostly I would tell myself to take it all in, because college is definitely nothing like high school. There will be chocies you have to make in college that you do not face in high school. Such as, what courses will benefit you most, what career choice will make you happiest the most, and whether to go to class or skip.
Amanda, you stress a lot - way too much. Yes, it is important to do well, and to succeed academically, but it is even more important to remember that life is a journey - not merely a series of destinations. Continue to push yourself and to strive for excellence; you will go far and achieve everything that you had dreamed, but, at the same time, don't forget what this journey is all about. You will meet some of the most amazing people on the planet during your time at UTM, and you will be blessed with so many incredible opportunities. Cherish them all, because, at the end of the day, it's not the "A" on the Biochemistry test that you will remember with such fondness; it's the moments of laughter or even tears with the people that you care about and those that care about you. Maintain that drive to succeed - you will go far, but as you race down the superspeedway that we call life, don't simply let the miles fly by. Take the time to enjoy the scenery and to appreciate your traveling companions along the way. Life is a journey - enjoy the ride.
I would tell myself to stay focused, calm, and collected, because college isn't something to hassel over.
To high school Karen:
Do scholarship research earlier and independently of the guidance counselor. There are not as many out there that you qualify for as you would expect. Apply for state schools. This will be easier on you financially. Stick to the small colleges, as your small high school has unknowingly set your preference to little classes and personal relationships with your teachers. I know you think they are not as good as the large universities, but you are wrong. Do not let yourself get discouraged easily. Join clubs on campus and speak up in class and the friends will come. Be on good terms with whoever your roommates are. You never know when you may need their support. Do not fear the teachers. They are not all that different from the ones you have now, and they are not nearly as petrifying in person as they seem when they are standing at the lecture podium. Choose a practical major. I know that French literature major sounds wonderful now, but trust me, you will regret it when you are a college graduate who works as a barista. Finally: enjoy it. These will be the best years of your life.
I would tell myself to build better study habits. While high school may seem like a breeze academically, college is another ball game. More material is covered in smaller incriments of time and it progresses with each lecture. My advisor said to spend 2 hours studying for each hour in class. While this isn't true for most elective classes, your core classes will require that much attention if not more. Notecards, study groups, and note groups are the best way "your future self" has learned to study. Had I been given this advice prior to school, I more than likely wouldn't have bombed that first Biology 130 test. You're smart but not a know it all so learn to study, even if you think you know the material. Whats wrong with reinforcement anyways?
I would say to myself that I need to become a better studier and test taker, because in college that is what you do the most of and you dont want to be behind in school bceause of that.