The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about The University of Texas at Austin!


It has a diverse campus but you can always find people just like you. I feel like the students motivate each other just by living in the same general area. During exam time, EVERYONE is studying. It just makes you want to study more. The system works really well. There are the professors, good and bad. But then there are teacher assistants that are pretty much there everytime you don't understand anything. It's really hard, but there's some fun in that. There is every type of club, organization, fraternity, and sorority imaginable. A fantastic college experience.


My school has the resources of a large research university with professors who are truly concerned with teaching as well as publishing their next book. In addition, the campus is teeming with school spirit, our sports teams are top notch, and extra-curricular activities are thriving and varied. I had originally intended to attend a small liberal arts college, but UT surprised me by offering the same caliber of instruction along with everything else I could have hoped for in a university.




It is very cultrually diverse. The various cultures are presented by organizations and events welcome to the public. It's a great way to open up the minds of students and the community.


culturally diverse, many options for majors, great knowledgable faculty, emphasis on school spirit, alot of emphasis on going green and taking a part in helping the local community


When I first set foot on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, I right away knew that I was meant to be here. The university is filled with friendly people that are always willing to help, many resources that help academically, and many other things. If ever you ran into legal problems, the university offers free legal counseling and can help you get through whatever legal situation.


UT Austin is such a diverse university in many aspects. Culturally, it is a melting pot of Asian, American, Latin, European, and pinches of all other races and nationalities. You really get a sense of how world renowned this University is just by seeing people from all over the world studying and teaching there. Also, the architecture of the buildings is amazing. It really gives the school a sense of importance and majesty.


We have the best balance of academics, social life, and division I sports. We are conisistently in the top rankings of all three categories. We are also unique in that we are "the spec of blue in a sea of red", meaning we have a very liberal approach to life, something not normally seen in Texas.


Great Education + Great Parties+ Great Teachers= An AMAZING FOUR YEARS! However, like they say, college IS DEFINITELY WHAT YOU MAKE IT!


i love how open minded austin is. ..and i love the city.