The worst thing about UT is the size. I think that the administration and faculty make great efforts to counteract the negative effects of such a large student body, such as apathy, division, and an unwelcoming atmosphere; however, size will always be an issue. While I loved UT, I would not recommend it for anyone who needs a small learning environment or is looking for a very close-knit campus community.
The worst thing about my school is the fact that housing is so expensive off campus.
THe worst thing about my school is the parking situation in Austin. There is little parking on campus and even in the surrounding area, as well as a lot of construction.
Due to the large campus size, many of the important administrative or student services building can be considered out of the way for students, depending on where they live. However, the university has shuttle buses that travel around campus every 15 minutes in an attempt to make it more convenient for students.
I grew up going to a fairly small sized elementary, middle, and high school. Attending University of Texas at Austin was a dramatic change for me. Seeing more people than my graduating high class in my first chemistry class here was a shock. I am still trying to get used to the massive student body size and will consider at the worst thing so far.
If you're not involved in frat or sorority life, it can be difficult to find things to do on the weekends at first, but it doesn't take long to find a niche and a group of friends who like what you do.
Too much emphasis on political correctness and "diversity". Grade inflation. Too easy for people to make A's without trying.
Dealing with financial aid because they don't always get it to you on time. This in turn causes all of your classes to get dropped.
Some schools are really hard to get into but have the easiest course load.
I consider the politics of the teachers the worst thing about the school. In many classes I have felt that they are teaching their own political thoughts and not the subject.
Probably the worst thing about the school is the amount of space it has. Parking is very poor because there is so little space and so many people that goes to the school. Expect to see a lot of tow signs. The other thing is the campus is big so you might want to bring a long a bike to save you some time getting to class.