When picking the right college, students should consider the career path they would like to take and hoiw strong a college is in their programs gered towards that path. They should alson consider the environmeent they will be in in comparison to the type of per son they are (liberal, conservativce, etc.). THey should also research extracurriular activities, social clubs, niches, etc. Also consider the proximity of drug stures, grocery, and transportation. Parents should think about first and foremost the financial situation they will be put in when their child attends a cewrtain school. Distance is important not just for sentiment but a closer school will allow a parent to send money and clothes and other necccesities over a lot more quickly as oppossed to a farther out of state school, which is also porbably more expensive. Parents should consider medical provisions, safety and security, the availability of informationla staff, as well as the overall environment of the school.
My journey through college thus far has been an adventurous voyage. I have had the pleasure of meeting creative, venturesome, and goal oriented fellow students, which I am now proud to call my friends. My search for where I would be attending college was, to say the least, abrupt. Instead of applying to as many schools as possible, I decided to attend a college that was close to home. It would be comfortable I thought. A few friends from high school would be there to keep me company, and I wouldn't have to worry about the added pressures of "fitting in" at a new school. I had made my first error at college. I felt entrapped. My choice had been curt and now I faced the consequences, realizing I sat in the same position I had been for the past eighteen years. I had to make a change, a change in myself, and the knowledge that I surrounded myself with. I ventured out and found a university that accepted my indifferences and encouraged me to explore them. I found the change that I had long been yearning for, and at the end of this lengthy journey, I found myself.
Make an effort to get involved in things on campus. It's tough to balance school with extracurriculars but it will pay off. So really make an effort to pursue ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you're interested in. Also, study hard and really make an effort to make good grades from the beginning, because the farther you get in school the harder it will be to improve your GPA if it's low from the beginning.
The best advice I can give a student and his/her parents when they are picking a school is to be sure of what they want their college experience to be. For a young student leaving high school, college is a frightening yet exciting time in their life and it is important to know that there will be challenges no matter what school is chosen. I believe it is very important to choose a school that provides its students not only with a high educational experience but also one that inspires and ignites passion within the student. College is what will prepare the student for the rest of their life and that should be considered when picking the school.
Once at college, the student should try to make the most of their experience by being aware of all the resources available to him/her. Most big schools and several smaller schools have all sorts of help availble to students who need it, advisors and tutors just being a few of these. College is a time to meet new people, expand intellectual ability, and prepare one for future challenges. Study hard, learn alot, but don't forget to have fun!
This will be where a student spends at least the next four years. Size is important- some people prefer the closeness of a smaller college while others like the resources a larger university can offer. Also it is very important to visit the college to understand its particular "personality." This is a concept that cannot really be defined, but the student will just be able to tell by being there. On that note, do not pick a college just because it is comfortable though. College is a time to expand horizens and get out of your comfort zone. Pick a college that feels right but also will challenge you to think about new ideas. Lastly, if the student knows their major, check out that department beforehand. Different colleges have different setups for departments and it is always helpful to meet with professors.
One of the most important aspects of a school is its size. It is imperative that ou know what size is best for you. If you like to stand out, or havent had the chance to prior to college, a smaller college will make you feel comfortable. However, if you're like me and went to a high school where everyone was your best friend, there is something very comforting in being immersed in other people and feeling one of a large group. From there, make sure you visit the top schools on you list and SIT IN ON A CLASS! Tours are wonderful, but actually sitting in on a lecture in your projected field of study will help you get a feel for the way the department is set up and what the expectation for learning is.
My biggest piece of advice would be to remember that four years is a long time, so a student should go to the college where he/she will be the happiest. Sometimes this means going somewhere you hadn't previously seriously considered, or going to a different school than your parents' alma mater. Remember that there is more to college than just the campus; the town in which it is located plays an important role, too.
Also, be open to new things. There is nothing wrong with not majoring in business or pre-medicine. Do what makes you happy, and you will be much better off. Take classes about subjects you don't know. Learn who are you really are before deciding your future. IT'S OK TO NOT PICK A MAJOR AT FIRST!! If you aren't sure about what to major in, take a year to take different classes and find out what you like!
Finally, live every single day to the fullest. Meet everyone you can, and spend lots of time with the people you care about. College is the best time of your life, and it flies by! Friends are more important than 4.0's.
The most important thing to get out of college is an education which will set you up for success in the real world. So first and foremost, attend a university which excells in your major, or in your areas of interest. Because college students usually change their major multiple times throughout their college career, it is best to attend a university which has many career options. Also, it is vital to get involved around your university. So look at student orginizations and different extra curricular activites your prospective university has to offer. It is also a good idea to take into consideration the region in which your university is located. If you hate the snow and attend a university in the Northern United States, then your college experience may be horrible because you would be immersed in cold weather. There are many things to consider when chosing a university. If you have a faith in a God, then I suggest you pray about it. It's always great to have a peace of mind about your final decision.
Let your kid decide which college. A good football team is very fun to have and brings a lot of school spirit. Check out the campus and the surrounding area.
Go and visit the campus!