Picking a school isn't a democratic experience. It isn't about listening to others about what's best or following your friends; it's about going to that one place that you know in your heart to be the place for you. The thing about college is that once accepted, anybody can succeed anywhere. While yes, certain schools might have tougher curriculum or may cost more, you will never be successful in a school that you do not enjoy being at. While the curriculum at the school you choose may be hard, if you are happy with where you are you will have a much stronger chance of being successful.
Don't worry about not knowing anybody at the school you choose to go to. Starting fresh is one of the most exciting parts of the college experience. It allows you to be yourself again and begin things on your own terms which will be incredibly important to your happiness in the years to come. Study hard and take every chance you can to get out and have some fun. It seems like a conflicting notion (studying and getting out) but learning the balance makes all the difference.
Gather as much information about potential universities as you can. Visit the campuses that you're interested and sit in on classes if you're able to. Also, get in contact with people who come from the same place as you that went to that particular university. You're more than likely going to have more in common with that person than a random person, and it can give you some sort of idea whether or not the school is a good fit. Get to know the city that the school is in, because while you're there for school, you're going to go out sometimes. If you're the type of person who needs specific things for entertainment, make sure it's there. There's no sense in being miserable for the four years that you spend in school. Also, check into extra-curricular activities. They help you meet people and can give you really great experience, sometimes in a field you might be interested in. Finally, check the program that you're thinking about enrolling in. Get to know if it's well received. You might as well get the best education available to you.
Searching for a good college depends entirely on your situation when applying, but I think that there is one thing that every student and family should take into account when searching for a good college: things will change. It may be your major, career choice, personal goals, religion, cultural identity, or any other detail, but something will change. The last thing that you need in these exciting but difficult times is a change that makes things harder for you due to lack of support on your campus. Because of this, I recommend looking for colleges that offer a wide array of well-developed programs and a staff that supports students, such as good advisors and faculty.
Once you are actually on campus, do not let these resources go to waste! I cannot count how many times I have heard classmates complain about coursework without considering free tutoring or seen friends go through tough emotional times without seeking help from counseling services. Using these resources for students will assist you in academic and personal success. As you continue through college, learn to appreciate the many new ideas you will encounter; these four years are your time to grow and succeed!
The key to making the college selection and enrollment process a smooth transition is keep things balanced. There should be a balance between the schools the parents want and those the student wants; the student should maintain a balance between the "dream schools" and the "safety schools" to which they apply; and there must be a balance between academics and social life once the student sets foot on the campus of their choice. Beyond that, remember to make the most of your freshman year! It's the time when you will have the most opportunity to explore yourself and the resources the university has to offer. Many special programs or scholarships are offered only during your first year of college, but unfortunately most students don't find out about them until later on. Additionally, if you become a member of a student organization early in your academic career, you will have many more opportunities to serve in officer positions - which looks great on scholarship applications and resumes. Just remember that college isn't about having a 4.0 or partying every Saturday night: it's about the memories you make as you prepare yourself for the future.
In college, as in life, it is crucial to maintain a good balance. You have to balance work with play, classes with parties, and sleep with late-night studying. Make sure that the school you are intersted in is right for you in terms of this balance. Find a place where extracurriculars are as bountiful as classes. Find a place where you will feel at home, but where you also sometimes feel like a stranger. College is about exploration, enrichment, and enlightenment. Your school should reflect all those aspects in your life and help you develop a stronger connection to your community, and, of course, yourself.
Find a college that has degree options that fit with your interests. I have had a lot of friends who had ecclectic life plans and decided to go to smaller schools that didn't offer a major in their intended field of study who either had to change majors, change life plans or change schools. Don't be afraid to go somewhere that's not like where you live-it's nice to have experienced something different. And also don't worry about not knowing anyone; it's almost impossible to go somewhere and not run into someone you know. Don't pay for all of college with student loans because you will have to pay them back and probably before you get a job that pays well enough for it to be easy.
Most importantly, do your research! Find the school that best matches who you are and what you need. Don't go somewhere just because your best friend is going, y'all can always meet up for lunch on the weekends when you're home! Research the schools that have good programs for your desired major. Also, when you get there, make an effort to get to know your academic advisors! They help you plan out your road to graduation, they notice things you won't but should. Once you're in school, I would suggest taking time for yourself. Of course, school is about the academics, but this is also a unique time in your life. Take time to enjoy your experiences. Be positive and don't let yourself get stressed out about a final project that's not even due until the end of the semester. Take life a day at a time and enjoy every second of it!
Start preparing for college early, take all the AP and honor classes you can. Apply to several places, but not too many and try to visit them before to get a feel for what they look like. Find a healthy balance between academics and social life. Follow your heart and have fun, college years can be the one of the happiest periods in your life.
I think the most important thing to remember when chosing schools is that the focus should be on academics and not on location, etc. Being in an interesting city is nowhere near as important as being in a nationally renowned program.
Make sure that you keep on top of your school work but make sure that you take some time to enjoy your university and everything that they offer.
Parents need to be informed about what a university can offer their student. Four years in college will be the years that a student discovers their identity, affirms their personal beliefs, discovers their passion in a specific field and finds friends for life. It is important to know what the student loves and enjoys and to find a place to cultivate that interest, academically and socially. The student should want to go to that institution and look forward to the upcoming years.
Why? They are the years that shape you, and the place you choose to attend is an important factor. My advice is to join many groups and form small social circles to find friends for life. Be friendly to all you meet, as someone most likely will be in your class. They will help you take notes and prepare for tests during some point in your education. College is a time of growth. Take advantage of all opportunities, organizations, sporting events, and create lasting memories because it is all but a moment in life. Be audacious and be bold. Study and get to know your professors, they will be a valuable asset for recommendations. Savor the experience.