Someone who isn't artistically inclined. You have to be willing to spend every spare moment that you have working on projects for your classes. There is so much work, you need to be dedicated to your craft.
This is a fine Arts based school. If you are searching for a technical art school this would probably not be the best fit. However, both the Industrial Design or Graphic Design majors seem to be a bit more technical, but with an arty focus.
Uarts is great for many people, however a person who wants a college experience with Fraternities, Sororities , and sports should not attend this University simply because Uarts does not have any of these qualities. Although, many students have pledged outside of the school, and have gone to other schools games, such as Temple university or UPenn if they ever feel the need to branch out and experience something that the school does not offer.
The University for the Arts is only for students who want to stay in the arts as artist, not as teaching artist. Dance majors short enter this college with eyes wide open, if you want to teach find ways to take more academic classes such as reading and math. At the time I went to the college, we were told that Pennsylvania doesn?t offer a certification in Dance. This had not been presents to Dance Education Majors until the SENIOR year. We were told, ?If students wanted to be certified they needed to get a certification in Physical Education?.
Anyone who does not have an open mind to other cultures and ideas.
The kind of person who is looking foward to making 100,000 a year coming out of college shouldn't attend my school. THe University of the Arts was build for artists of all fields to build on their respective form of art and passion and make a comfortable living doing it.
A person who is not open-minded and cannot accept people who have different beliefs and lifestyles should not attend Uarts. The University of the Arts is a melting pot comprised of people of all different ethnicities, genders, sexual preferences, religions and backgrounds. Uarts' campus is diverse and located in the heart of Philadelphia. Someone who is not too keen to the hussle and bustle of cities probably should not attend; it is a place where cars are heard through all hours, and the city lights obscure the stars at night.
If you are a person would doesn't like to be away from home for long periods, then this school is not for you.
An artistic individual with an open mind. This school is very liberal and diverse.