Tidewater Community College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Tidewater Community College?


Eh, this campus appeals to just about everyone, I mean, even the wallflowers have their own spot to hang out, and there's some online classes too. I guess peeps uninterested in college shouldn't go here, but then again they shouldn't go to college in the first place


Good School to do prerequisities if you are trying to go into the nursing field such as myself


Really there is no one that shouldn't attend TCC, it's a great transition/inbetween school and money saver. It's also great if you want to go back to college to finish something or to just learn more.


If I had to choose one type of person that should not attend Tidewater Community College, it would be someone who is not dedicated to working hard in an attempt to further his or her personal life and become an upstanding citizen of the United States of America. I do believe, however, that everyone deserves a chance to broaden his or her educational oppurtunities, and Tidewater Community College provides people with that oppurtunity.


People how procrastinate and do not know how to manage their time should not attend college.


The type of person that should not attend this school is someone who is not serious about a good education. Tidewater Community College offers a wide variety of studies and prides itself on have credits that transfers to four year schools. Anyone that is studying the healthcare industry should be absolutely serious about their studies and the carrer path they have chosen.. They will be a major factor in the quality of life for the people they care for.


No one. I think that everyone should have a fair advantage to an education. Some schools will not take students based on their credentials in high school, but to be totally honest, we're all just kids. We have to learn and need someone to be in our corner even with school.