Toccoa Falls College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Toccoa Falls College know before they start?


In this situation i would tell myself, although college has it's challenges you can do anything you set your mind to. I was the kid who was overstressed the majority of my senior year, but i would also tell myself time management is key for sucess in college wherever it is attended. I honnestly would show myself just like work is required for sucess, breaks and fun is required as well. College has changed me for the better, yes in College homework must be done, papers must be written, etc. There is a beauty only found on a college campus that makes any adolescent's heart pump for the righteous things!


In high school, I believed my social life to be the most important thing and let my classes, grades, sports, and clubs fall to the wayside. Believeing my social life was everything, I fell into some hard drugs in order to fit in with the most popular kids. I quickly became addicted. It took years, through being expelled, hitting rock bottom, and wasting precious time, before I got clean. If I could give myself some advice, it would be to keep everything in perspective. To chase what matters, and to find myself. I would tell myself that unless I know who I am, I could fall for anything people wanted me to be. Don't lose yourself in a fleeting moment, but rather focus on the future and discover the things that are worth going after. Some things lose luster after time, but others gain beauty as time goes on. There is a difference between what you want and what you need, and most of the time in the moment its difficult to see, so trust the advice of your elders wisdom and pay attention in your class because knowledge has value. And lastly, time is never worth wasting.


Now that I have been in college, I realize that there are so many things I wish I would have known as a high school student. If I were to go back to my senior year in high school and talk to myself, I would tell myself to branch out and learn new activities or hobbies. When you know a little bit about various interests and are well-rounded, you can relate to more people and see better from their perspective. This helps when you are getting to know others and finding common ground with future friends. Relationships are key to a healthy and worthwhile college experience.


It's your big day! You're saying goodbye to your parents and heading off to college orientation! You're excited and, even though you wouldn't like to admit it, a little scared to confront this great expanse of the unknown, called college, stretching out over the next four years of your life. Okay, maybe not just a little scared, a lot scared. No one else seems to be worried. All your fellow freshman seem to have it all together. They're friendly and outgoing. They know what they want to major in, and even what they want to do after graduation...which right now feels like it's light years away! It's a lie. Let me repeat that: you are not the only person on this campus who feels completely unprepared to survive this thing called college. Underneath their friendly smiles, most of your fellow freshman are just as terrified as you are. The upperclassmen don't have it all together, either. College is a journey. You're not supposed to have it all together. So don't stress, put on your confident, friendly smile, and remember you're not the only one who feels this way.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to be so pressured into feeling like I have to choose what I'm going to do for the rest of my life so quickly. There is such a huge emphasis on choosing your career right out of high school. That is very intimin\dating, but I can take my time. Go to college, take some general courses, weigh my options, and take my time. Choosing what you're going to do for the rest of your life is a big decision, not something you'll decide overnight. Also, if you change your mind while in college, it's ok. This is the time in your life that you can do that. Concentrate on the classes you have now, look at all that's available to you, and then decide. Even if you choose a career that you figure out later isn't something you want to do, you can go back and change it. It's ok to not have it all together right out of high school.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself: Listen well, because this advice will save you a lot of headaches and stress. Don't stop applying for scholarships and grants just because you won one scholarchip already. It only gets harder from here on in, and you'll need all the money for college you can get. Don't give up, and don't back down form any hard challenges. Just because something seems hard and seems like a waste of time, do it anyway, because it will help you greatly. When you get to college, just because you can choose weather or not to attend your classes, doesn't mean that you should ditch any of them unless you're really sick. Always be there, don't skip out, and do your very best in all of them. Lastly, study, study, study. Just because things were easy for you all through high school doesn't mean they will be in college. Spending some time studying will save your grade and reduse the stress put on you durings tests. Listen to me, and you'll do great.


I would tell myself to again focus on finding true friends. That having friends is very important and finding that sense of community and where you belong. To cherish those friends and never take them for granite. I would tell myself to be excited about discovering who you are, because it is a fun journey doing so. In that though, once you know who you are be true to it, and don't let people change you. I would tell myself to be patient in finding a relationship, the right one will come. I would also tell myself to focus on your school work. Don't fall behind, always stay ahead, even if it means skipping something fun. I would tell myself to hold on to the laughs, hugs, and memories you make because they're ones you'll carry with you for a life time. I would tell myself to be honest and and to be strong. Lastly I would tell myself to find a church family, because there is a lot of great oppertunities there.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first tell myself to stop rushing through the days. I would tell myself to slow down and actually take the time to remember all the things I am being taught. I would tell myself to enjoy the last days as a high school senior, because college is a whole new world. I would tell myself to save notes from high school, because I could use them in future college classes. I would tell myself to enjoy the minimum homework given my some teachers, and I would encourage myself to relax more in the afternoons. Lastly, I would tell myself to enjoy the last summer before college begins in the Fall, because College is a whole new, fun, exciting and different world!


I would have told myself to start college and take core classes, instead of waiting two years to go to college.


I would make sure I know that I will get homesick no matter how many people I befriend, but it isn't the end of the world and I will see my family again. I would have told myself that it is much more difficult than high school and I should be prepared for late nights and confusing homework questions. Also, to ask for help and not be afraid to ask for help with school work because asking for help is the smartest thing one can do to understand his or her school work and do well. Lastly, I would tell myself to make good friends and pay attention to my professors in and out of class; one never knows how much he or she could learn if he or she listens well and watches carefully.