Toccoa Falls College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Toccoa Falls College know before they start?


My best advice for a parent or student that is looking for the right college would be to take your time looking at each college. Even if you are unsure of your major, narrow down what you would possibly like to study at that college and then narrow down your choices from there. Its best to pick an environment that suits you the best and definately visit the college. One important thing is to go where you know you will be happy WHILE you do your work. Dont just follow your friends but be independent and have fun!


I would say to choose the college that best fits the requirements for the career intended and a college that is affordable for the family. Also, a college where the student will feel comfortable, almost at home, and where the student can have some activities for when there is free time.


College is all about moderation, it is the best time of my life but I want to stay there and have a successful life when i get out. Students should go to schools that fit their personality, and offer opportunities in the areas they are interested in.


If I were to give advice to parents or students about finding the right college and making the most of hte college experience, I would tell them that to make sure that they have realistic expectations about it. Students, there are going to be hard times, financially, emotionally, and mentally. There are going to be times when you will want to turn back, give up, and go home. Parents, there are going to be times when you will question whether or not it was the right choice, or if you should go through with it. My advice to you would be to question, but do not worry or doubt. There is a reason that this choice was made, and at the end of it all, you will be grateful. You will be a stronger person because of it, and you just have to believe that. Having this mindset of realistic expectations will allow you to prepare for upcoming possible problems, and will help you to remain confident while you are being stretched.


I believe it is important for students to have an idea of what they want to pursue and to research the program that colleges offer in their field. Parents should ask about the professors who will be teaching their students to see if they have both adequate education and real life experiences that gives themcredibility. Students should also check that colleges are accredited. It is important to check if the college offers small enough classes where students will be able to interact freely with the professor and with their peers. This way, students can more easily approach the professors about anything they need help with and create lasting and real relationships with others. College tuition should be compared to see whether or not it's worth investing in education at particular schools. Parents should also make sure that the college adminstration care about the safety of their students. It is important that administrators care enough about students to enforce rules and regulations that will keep students out of harms way. It is also essential to look into the community of the school. A visit before hand can provide a preview of what type of community the school offers.


When looking for a college, I suggest that the students/parents do not just look at the setting of where the school is. When I chose my first college, I didn't look at the academic program or the social life or the chapel life. I saw the campus and loved the beauty of where it was at. With in the first week I was at that school, I knew that it was not for me. I stayed for the first semester then I transferred to TFC. During the transfer process, I researched TFC. I found out what their spiritual/ chapel life looked like on campus. I even looked about the social life and their academic program for my major. I knew that TFC is where I wanted to attend based on my wants in those areas. I never visited the school until I arrived for Spring Semester 2008. I don't advise you to not visit the school. Visiting will help you get a feel of the school, but I do suggest that you look at more than the setting. I hope you enjoy selecting your college, and I hope that you choose the right one for yourself.


When entering into college, one of the most helpful things that you can do is going to a school that fits you. I would discourage people from going to a college just because people that they know are going there, because that school may not fit with your ideas of what you want to get out of college. Choosing a college that has a lot of options in areas you are interested in is also very important, because many students do not stay with the program that they start with, so acting as if you are entering for multiple programs is important. Priorities and goals can change, so a flexible university is important. I would encourage people to live on campus, as I have seen that once people move off campus at smaller schools, you can become isolated from the school and lose school spirit, treating school more like a job than a place to learn and interact with peers. Many people call college the best 4 years of your life, and choosing the college plays a big role in making it that way.


Searching all the options out there is so important. Students need to compare and research quite a few colleges before deciding where they want to go. That way, they understand all of their options. Also, the college experience is in the hands of each individual student. College is what YOU make of it. It can either be a horrible experience where one is in his/her room studying all the time, or it can be a fun experience of both making friends and staying strong academically. It is crucial to pick the right college to attend. In order for that to happen, the student must know what he/she wants and be willing to search until he/she finds it. College has been and will continue to be an awesome experience for me, and I want every person to have a positive and life-changing experience like I did.


Realize what college is and think about what you want from your college experience before you make your final decision about college. College is not high school all over again; there is more freedom and more choices so when you are choosing a college, think about if it is a place you want to have that freedom. If the campus scares you or bores you, that may not be the best place to experience new freedom. Thinking about what you want from your college experience is also important when considering your options. What are you most looking forward to in college: Sports? Academics? Social life? Religion? Living on your own? Find your top priorities for a campus and compare that list to what the campus has to offer and what other students have heard about the campus. Remember that college is not just a school; it is a place you will be living at and associating yourself with for a while, therefore don?t let other people talk you into a decision or rush you. Take time, visit the campus, talk to current students or alumni, and consider your options carefully.


I would first advise students to apply to a few colleges, instead of just applying to their dream college. It is wise to keep one's options open and actually visit each of these colleges. By going to the college or university, experiencing the culture, and even sitting in on some classes, one gains the truest perspective of the institution. Another way to understand the life of the students on the campus is to actually talk with them. Some colleges offer a student preview weekend in which high school students can actually stay in the dorms and get to know other students and go to classes with them. I highly recommend attending these becuase by getting to know the students that attend the institution, one can get an understanding of the student life on the campus. By finding as much information as possible about each college one can certianly make a confident choice. The student may be surprised to find that one of his other choices surpasses his initial perference. College is a big chapter in a teenager's life that needs to be approached with as much knowledge as possible in order to make it a great, memorable experience.