Tompkins Cortland Community College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Tompkins Cortland Community College? Why?


The worst thing about Tompkins Cortland Community College is the lack of motivation found in a majority of the students attending. More commonly known as TC3, this college is infamous in surrounding areas as a joke of a college because it is a two year college. Many students attend just to say they went to college. These students, who are not driven to complete a whole or partial degree and move on to a career or four year college are the students that make TC3 a very distracting place as well as an institution that isnt taken seriously by some.


As TC3 has developed good reputation, its merits have been counterweighted by stricter policy, lesser tolerance, and overworked faculty. In the time I?ve attended TC3, the regulations for student organizations, one of TC3?s strong points, have become arbitrarily limiting. Now, clubs which contribute in a constant, innovative manner to the campus and community are forced to jump through hoops; for example, they are givin extra paperwork and have mandatory participation in "community projects" designed by Student Activities. While the new policies are likely well-intentioned, they prevent self-motivated organizations from pursuing more relevant and individualized motives.


The worst thing about TC3 might be the professors. This is not because they are all bad, it is becuase you have no idea whether you're going to get an amazing to teacher or a horrible one, and there are both kinds at TC3. An easy way to circumvent this problem is to ask other students about professors they've had, which ones to avoid, and which ones to take classes from.