Towson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Towson University know before they start?


Make sure to visit different types of schools to make sure you know what kind appeals to you. Also apply to alot so you have alot of options. You should also spend a day in the area to make sure that what you see is what you want to live in for possibly four years of your life.


The best piece of advice I could give to parents and students is to visit the college for more then a few hours. Stay the entire day, or even better, for the weekend. You can get a much better feel for what the college and surrounding community is all about. Also, ask questions like "What is the average amount of time it takes for students to graduate?" I never thought of this when I was applying to colleges, but it is a serious issue! At my school, it takes 5.5 years for the average student to graduate. Statistics like these can uncover inside secrets that schools don't want prospective students to know about!


The most important advice I could give to parents and/or students is that they should take as much time as they need to find the right college for the student. Most students don't take enough time to research different schools, or parents pressure the student to pick a college that the parent wants the student to attend. The student needs to pick a college that THEY want to attend. After all, the parent is not the one who will be attending the college. Students should not be pressured to pick a school right away.


College is what you make it. No matter where you go, it can always be one of the greatest experiences of your life.


Research the college and make sure it has the degree and programs you want. Visit the school and talk to students there to find out the cool things to do and what they like about the school. Be open to making friends and to new things. You only live once, don't do something just because you don't feel like it, you'll never know what you are missing.


Visit every college you apply to and make certain you know the student body you will be apart of before attending a university.


Decide what size school you want to goto first. My choices were University of Maryland- CP and Towson. I went to Marryland and absolutely hated it. The classes were too big, teachers didn't care and it just wasn't fun. Look for schools that are in a nice area of town, safety is really important espcially if you have to take those night time classes. Also lookat what you can get involved in on campus and try and find groups to go talk to and see what they are all about. Number one thing though...take a tour. The guides aren't going to lie to you and you get to really see what people are doing on campus, not just looking at glorified pictures that makes the campus look nice.


I would suggest to parents and/or students that finding the right college in the beginning is essential. While transfering is always an option, leaving one school to go to another is a hassle, credits are lost and you would have missed that prime time when freshman meet their friends who are usually life long friends. Also, it is essential to consider the cost of a school because if you cannot afford it or the loan does not cover it, it can be stressful on the family and the student throughout the school year. So searching for scholarships is extreamly important and joing a few organizations is always a good thing. Being involved at your school can maximize your college experience and even help a person cope with home sickness, meeting new friends and making the best out of their college experience.


When you walk ontpo the campus that is meant for you, you will get a feeling that it is the right one. Go with that feeling and reach your dreams!


I would say that students really need to think about what it is that they want out of their college expeirence. Is the student simply looking to meet similar people and get out with a degree or are they trying to ad more diveristy into their life? Students need to look at size, location and makeup of a universtiy as well as the offered programs to help decide what will best fit them and what will allow them to feel at home and thrive.