Towson University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known about the type of work that this school required.


There isn't anything I can think of. You can pretty much get all the information you want by going on one of the tours. Since all the tours are given by current students you can get fresh real information and the opinions of the people who go there.


How much fun it would be. I chose to go to a community college for 2 years before transferring to TU, but if I'd know how much I'd love it, I would have done all 4 years there.


I wish I had known about the housing before I came to Towson University. I lived in Prettyman Hall my freshman year which was the worst because we had no air condition. Prettyman Hall is considered to be on the old side of campus, but it is one out of two halls that do not have avaiable air condition.


I wish I had known that Towson would be such a great experience, then I would not have been so nervous before i got here. However, the anxiety quickly faded away because Towson is such a great school. I also wish I knew how to cite a paper before I got here. My first paper was a challenge because i did not know how to cite a paper in APA format.


I had lived with my sister in a room, but never with a roommate who may be inconsiderate, or decide to run amok and decide to sleep with half the guys on campus our first semester. Finding a good roommate is a challenge, but they are out there. Dorm living is one of the greatest things I have ever done, and still have friends I met on that first day, some 30 years (gasp) later. Don't give up and run home if it doesn't work out at first!


Before coming to Towson University as a second semester sophomore, I wish I would have known to try to get into a dormitory on campus. Living off campus I have found it harder to make friends because I am not constantly surrounded by other students, except for my three roommates.


I wish I knew about the scholarships the school provided. As a freshman I missed the chances of receiving the scholarships at Towson University. As a second semester freshmen at Towson, I can come to a conclusion that if I was informed about the scholarships given to the first semester freshmens, I wouldn't be living my college life as a commuter.


Juniors are not guaranteed housing on campus.


I must say that Towson is very good at making transfer students feel comfortable transfering. They make information available to you online and walk you through every step of the way to make your transition from a two-year college into a four-year college as smooth as possible. My orientation was throughly explained to me and all of my questions were answered (sometimes before I asked them). I believe that the one thing I wish I had known before coming to Towson was how easy the transition would be. I could have slept better the night before orientation.