I would change the student body, I have a hard time relating to this kids who think that "White and Snobby" is cool. I would compare it to the early 2000s, when white teens across America used to dress up ghetto. It's just a phase, but it is embarrassing that at a COLLEGE level school the student body embraces this lifestyle so strongly.
It's funny, these kids are all from Prep schools and are completely homogeneous. They all feed into Camp TrinTrin from surrounding Prep Schools. They have absolutely NO exposure to the real world and think that the only way to have money is an obnoxious way.
Being from Florida, and an affluent background myself, it is interesting how wealth up here means: WHITE, North Face, (obnoxious) Patagonia, J. Crew, and LL. Bean boots.
Where I'm from, the kids drive the same ridiculous BMW's, but I would like to think of the kids where I'm from as, politically conscious, well-traveled, and down-to-earth kids. Nobody would say something like "who cares, just buy a new TrinityID if you lost yours, its only $50". People with money in the South do not try to exaggerate it, they don't flaunt it. They value it. They are grateful for it. (Maybe it is from the constant homeless begging for money on the streets, or the numerous homeless shelters that keep us in check. We see the divide between the rich and the poor, maybe it is something that these New England-Townies lack!)
Where I am from a wealthy person might:
-Have traveled to exotic places, Africa, India, China
-Go skiing in Alta-Snowbird in Utah because the snow is great and it's a difficult mountain
-Drive a BMW or Volvo because their parents can afford it, and they want the best in safety for their kids.
-Do hours of community service or work a job, not out of necessity but because their parents want them to be cultured and know the value of a dollar.
At Trinity, a 'wealthy' person might:
-Have traveled exotic places, Paris, London, Atlantis in the Bahamas
-Only go skiing at Vail, because it is the most expensive and travel there represents high status
-Drive a Beamer because that's the car everyone gets when their 16. It's what we deserve.
-Ask their parents for money, frequently
While this difference may seem minute and not that much better, it is this difference that separates a quality-person from a spoiled person. One enjoys the benefits of having money in their lifestyle (while maintaining a good head on their shoulders). The other enjoys the benefits of having money as their lifestyle. (struggling with maintaining morality and substance).
Some of the things that come out of these "Want-to-be-rich Prepsters mouths disgust me. Where I am from, no one will condemn you for wearing your own style clothing or hanging out with certain groups of people, but pursue you for the difference that you bring to the table.
"Your hanging out with a lot of Pikes man, chill with that. People notice that and you won't get any bids."
"Your dressed like a public school girl, you look skanky."
"Unless your from a wealthy background, there's no chance you'll get a bid there... and they'll check your parents W2 forms"
"You can tell she comes from public school, the way she wears those Uggs to class everyday and the same sweatshirt!"
The fraternity system is basically the fuel to these trust fund babies. From day one it is clear that money - or your ability to flaunt your money - is the number one indicator of someone as a person. Which is funny, because money has actually no indication of how someone behaves. The fraternity system ranks as follows:
1. Saint Anthony's Hall
2. AD
3. Psi U
4. Pike (and all others that are literally looked down on as dirt)
Every student wants to be at the top. They all want to pledge the Hall, which is a group of more or less: WHITE, collared-shirted, kids of millionaires.
If one does not find acceptance in one of the higher frats, they will just continue down the totem poll until they find a spot of acceptance.
It is pretty important being a member of a Fraternity, because if your not a member (or at least heavily affiliated) your not going to parties. The parties take place for the most part at the Frats and are extremely exclusive. Without affiliation, or a beautiful body to flaunt (in the case of the girls), your just not getting it.
It doesn't matter that it can be 10 degrees out, and your just in a collared shirt (just to try to fit in, even though you despise the system) they still will leave you stranded at the door. The fraternity could be empty, and they just keep you out to play up the exclusivity and ultimately generate a longer line. (A common practice of AD). But the fight isn't hopeless, I would say if you wait for a good 45 minutes, or sneak your way in the door as someone is leaving you can almost always get in.
But at this point, you've lost your buzz, your emotionally degraded, and the alcohol is just exaggerating your internal emotions of anger and self-resentment.
If you do still have the ideal "state-of-mind" at the time of entry, (commonly from ecstasy, cocaine, or snorting Adderall) and you can get over the fact that the girls you came to the Frat and were left at the door to stand in the cold by, have been in for well over an hour, and have already been preyed on by fraternity brothers who truly believe in their superiority, you can attempt to get back into the grove and join the other 40 guys, violently pushing to get at the keg. The bartender at the keg will generally be an older brother, who does not feel as confident as they used to and is in need of some attention. They will taunt you with cups, and just continuously give them to girls.
At this point, I normally get fed up. In my mind I say 'F@*# This' and decide to go home to a joint. Filled with self-resentment for being pushed around and loosing the girls, I smoke it and fall asleep.
There are no groups at this school. The only groups I guess you could call "groups" are the whites and the blacks. No, this isn't 1920. No, there aren't any Jim Crow Laws in place. But yet, Trinity has the greatest divide out of any college between whites and blacks.
We are completely a segregated student body, with the exception of some black students who strive to be white so hard, that they ultimately become white.
There is tension between black people, and the sellout blacks who have embraced a white culture in which they are still inferior. (Like the "public school kids," they'll try to fake it, but will have trouble deceiving others without the same financial backgrounds. Regardless, they try to be as Preppy-White as possible) There is also tension between blacks and whites, and whites and blacks.
There is no authenticity, no originality, no character. Any student who has a developed personality, style, culture, that is not the white, rich, prep, Trin-popular culture is going to feel like an outcast to the point of self-resentment and ultimately conforming to the vial elitist culture.
Students dress to class as they would also dress to perhaps a wedding. The average student is:
-Rocking a backwards cap, often with the logo of their