I don't know enough about this becauses the traditinal students relly get to know each other, IDP are often too busy within thier own lives.
majority are white new england prep school kids... people with similar socioeconomic backgrounds stick together
campus seems to be very segregated in terms of social groups.
students are generally apathetic, not as much left, right, or center.
four tables of students:
1. pastel / lily pulitzer wearing preppy kids (boys and girls) with the same longchamp bag.
2. large people - football/basketball players
3. black kids
4. general weird kids that don't fit into the top three categories
Trinity has a pretty diverse community; racially, religiously and socio-economic status wise as well. Although Trinity is sort of known as a rich school which is pretty true, it's really not that big of a deal. Trinity is one of THE best colleges in terms of need-blind financial aid, I basically have my entire tuition covered by it.
Dress code: Lilly, polo, vinyards vines, brooks brothers, those are mostly the wardrobe. Burberry or Barbur jackets. North face or patagonia fleeces. Some times nice (usually Brooks Brothers or Ralph Lauren) wool/cashmere jackets. Or course juicy, vince, paper, citizens, and others make their appearances, jeans, anything deigner goes. Shoes are Jack rogers, raindows, tods and guggi loafers, the usual brands make their rounds for formal events, girls in their choos, manolos, and louboutin, tory burch, not to say these shoes don't make appearances for more casual effents. Long champ and Herves and the book bags, Vera duffles are a common sight. ---- most students come from money
Most are open to LGBT, but that doesn't mean they want to see that sort of behavior.
Students are politically aware and I would day that there are more registered members of the GOP at Trin than at other schools, but I wont say its the majority, just more than the norm.
Students spend a decent amount of time talking about what they'll earn one day, and how they'll earn it.
Some sectors of the student body are surprisingly conservative for a college campus.
While it is generally thought that the Trinity campus is not accepting of minorities (such as homosexuals), I have not, in my personal experience, encountered such descrimination. I have heard of people being rude to my gay friends and belittled them but this certainly is not the predominant opinion on campus.
Just about everyone can find their niche at Trinity. A lot of students dress up to class, but some do not. Different types of students don't interact on a regular basis, but if you seek out people that aren't like you, you can certainly find them. There are many different groups and organizations at Trinity and just about every student is involved in something. A lot of students are very wealthy and about half of the students came from private schools. Politically, the campus is split right down the middle. People go to Trinity for an excellent education and so people do tend to focus on making sure their education will get them good jobs in the future or enrolled in a good graduate program.
Most students are Trinity are from New England, however even though I am from California, I had no problem fitting in with the preppy East Coasters. As I mentioned earlier, most students are Caucasian and wealthy, and this is evident in the clothes they wear and cars they drive. People care a lot about their appearance here. The students at Trinity really enjoy going out Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, and the upperclassmen tend to go out during the week as well. I would say individuals that do not enjoy drinking or drug use would feel uncomfortable here because that is what a majority of the students do on the weekends. Although there are many social options provided for weekend fun, the majority of it is based upon going to the three popular frats. What surprised me about Trinity's campus was how conservative the students were. However, I've found most people to be pretty open-minded.
While Trinity is comprised mostly of white kids, there are a fair amount of international students, especially because the squash teams draw from many different countries. In terms of diversity, there's more than I thought there was going to be. And, while it's pretty segregated, I haven't witnessed any firsthand racism...maybe that's a naive or ignorant observation though, because it might occur. Actually, it seems like a lot of white kids are intimidated by other groups of people and the sororities in particular seem really exclusive and unfriendly.
Most students come from New England but there is also a substantial population from California and even Minnesota. Trinity can be a bit intimidating to students who are not aware of or used to upper-class north eastern culture. However, I think that a good majority of students are welcoming and accepting and, if student participate in school functions and get out and about on campus, most people can find someone or some group of people that they can relate to or share interests with.