Trinity College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Trinity College!


Trinity is a great school and the best things about it are its urban environment offering great restaurants and cultural opportunities as well as a beautiful campus with a ton of school spirit.


If the Greek life gets shut down, you might as well close the school!


Campus safety needs to be stepped up.




I think Trinity is great!


Trinity is a wonderful school and I love it here! Although there may be certain stereotypes, there are plenty of other outlets to find friends of different background.


drinking is too big of a thing on the weekends


it is definitely a drinking school. there are things you can do if you do not drink, but your weekends will be pretty lame if you don't.


It's a wonderful schoool, but it takes time to get used to.


they roomate survey tried to be cute and in turn it was very unuseful. they might as well have picked names from a hat. they only thing my roomate and i have in common is that we are human...except i dont know about her. the seminaare i took did not warn that it was a 4 day straight intensive class. because of it, my choice of roomates was limited to about 30, not to mention i got stuck with my roomate in my seminar. the only one in the building who has their roomate in her seminar. I HATE THE NIGHTLIFE. its the worst i could ever think of. i cannot wait to get out of here