Trinity College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Trinity College?


I have had a wonderful academic experience at Trinity. I am a part of a small major, so I've had the unique opportunity to form close relationships with several professors. In terms of the class environment, professors are for the most part engaging, and the students range from involved and vocal to detached and unenthused.


The classes are small which is nice, most teachers are available to give extra help during their office hours. I sometimes have a hard time finding classes to fill my schedule outside of my major.


The professors at Trinity are informative, interesting, and demanding, yet understanding of any personal hardships that may arise for the student. Having smaller classes helps to improve the quality of education within the classroom and the individual's personal relationship with the professor. I have thoroughly enjoyed the majority of my classes.


Academics are a great part of Trinity. The classes are challenging but they don't rule your life nor do they take up every moment of your time. I look at Trinity as having the intelligence level of an ivy league school but not taking academics quite so seriously. As students here at Trinity, we chose to came here to be intellectually challenged but to have a great time while we do so. The professors here are interesting and for the most part, they actually make you want to attend class. Whether you're in a lecture-based class or a more interactive class, the material is worth your while and very engaging. There is a huge selection of courses and Trinity gives their students a significant amount of freedom in choosing classes.


professors really care about the students, very active in student life. Workload is certainly extensive, and work is hard but very rewarding.


There's a bit of everything: Small classes, large classes, ok professors, great professors, lots of homework, easy workloads, challenging, easy, etc. Some students want to learn, and some that just want to party, some get good grades, and then some get good jobs.


The classes are small and I feel like all my professors recognize me inside and out of the classroom. The library is always very full- sometimes it becomes a social scene. One time last year during reading week before finals, my friend went to the library with no books, just to hang out with everyone in there that was studying. Class particiation is factored into your final average in most classes, so class participation is very common. In a lot of classes, teachers will often randomly call on students, therefore forcing the students to stay caught up on the material. I am double majoring in Economics and Art History, both my advisors and all the teachers in both departments are very helpful and I love all my classes. I think that Trinity's academic requirements are well rounded. My Freshman year I took classes ranging from Religions of Africa to Neuroscience, before I chose to double Major in Art History and Economics.


The education at Trinity is geared toward learning for its own sake. Class sizes vary from lectures of 50 people to small intimate classes of 10-15. Every freshmen takes a first year seminar.


Professors all know you buy name, they are very involved and helpful. Students study a lot, the library is always busy. It isn't a very competative atmosphere, but I have found that a lot of the students are surprisingly smart.


While I would definitely not label Trinity as a "party school", it is one of those colleges where people go out a lot. However, that's not to insinuate that academics aren't important; most people take advantage of the attention such small classes offer. As an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing, most of my classes have no more than 12 students. Teachers definitely know their students names and they highly encourage class participation. In fact, your grade depends quite a bit on how engaged you are in daily class discussions. One of my favorite things about Trinity is that everyone graduates with a well-rounded education. You are forced to complete requirements in all major academic fields to ensure that you don't focus primarily on your major.