Trinity College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Trinity College?


I really enjoy attending class at Trinity and very rarely miss. I think Trinity has a lot of interesting professors with interesting things to say on interesting topics. While students are not overly competetive so as to make class formal and strenuous, most students are serious about their studies. Many students do develop relationship with their professors and professors do a good job at learning peoples names and being approachable for their students.


i think sometimes the school feels a little too small but it is what you make of it. i love the small class sizes and the fact that i can know my professor and he/she knows me. i feel comfortable speaking in class and i love the individual attention all students receive. I feel as though trinity is a college where the students work really hard-i know that i am always in the library and my friends are always right there alongside me. in addition to this, i feel as though the students are very competitve in terms of classes and grades. i LOVE the religion department; the professors are all great, the classes are great-the professors are always available for you outside of class as well and really care about you learning.


the class sizes are small, but that being said i got very lucky with an advisor who i'm very close with. i know this is not always the case with students, and i would like to see that develop more.


Trinity's academic community is geared towards learning for its own sake and class participation is greatly encouraged. I not only know my professors by name but have been to some of their houses and I cannot say enough wonderful things about the English department.


The classes here are all fairly challenging, depending on the ones you choose to take. my favorite classes that i have taken have all been taught by Gregory Smith, and they are philosophy classes. i also enjoy the sociology and psychology classes i have taken thus far.


my favorite class was medical anthroplogy. least favorite class was statistics. students study all the time. students are active in class. anthropology department is small, close-knit. trinity should have a class about diversity/race/ethnicity as an academic requirement. education is definitely about learning for its own sake.


High academics for a school of our size. Good relationships with professors but students don't always make an effort to learn outside the classroom. Small class sizes promote class participation and generally, most students attend the majority of their classes. I like that Trinity does not have any required classes or a core curriculum.


academics are what you make it at trinity. If you want to be challenged and be engaged in class, there are many opportunities to do so. if you want to take a backseat on your education, there are ways to take easy classes where attendence is not required.


The classes are not that hard and professors are generally very helpful. I don't work to learn though.


The professors are awesome and almost always know their students by name. Students study quite a bit and have the perfect work hard play hard balance. At exam and midterm time, the library is filled with students but most of these students will socialize and hang out with their friends to relax and have fun after their work is over. As an econ major, I have had numerous wonderful professors who sincerely care that their students do well and learn a lot. Professors are required to hold office hours during the week so that their students can receive extra help if need be. This creates a very friendly environment with professors. In addition, professors often take their students out for dinner or have them over to their house for tea etc.