Trinity College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Trinity College?


Because Trinity is a small school with small class sizes, all of my professors know my name and continue to greet me cheerfully semester after semester. My adviser in particular is amazing - she really champions me and believes in me, and I know she'd write (yet another) recommendation for me for an internship or job at the drop of a hat. Since each class gives students the opportunity to bond with the professor, this seems like a pretty typical student-adviser relationship. When I studied abroad in my junior year, I kept in touch with multiple professors throughout the semester, sharing stories about my experiences and making plans for my senior year. The best class I've taken is "The Art of the Essay," which introduced me to Creative Nonfiction. I didn't even know it was a genre before taking the class, and now I'm writing a Creative Nonfiction thesis. It's been a really nice compliment to my English major.


All of my professors know me and I have been able to build friendships with many of them. I have hung out with professors at sporting events, run across faculty at the gym, and went canoeing with my freshman seminar course and advisor. Outside of class I find myself in intellectual discussions all the time. We often open our door during the Presidential Primary results and debates and people that live in our building come down to watch it and discuss things with us. Often I find some of our most interesting intellectual discussion occurs after our regular viewing of the Colbert Report and the Daily Show.


very competitive i feel like a lot of the kids on sports teams make it a mission to find the easiest classes with guranteeed good grades and limited work so that they dont have to try hard and will still get a good grade.


Yes professors know your name. LOVE my Squash I class. Least favorite might be my American Catholics class. Student study often for the most part. Our motto is 'work hard, play hard'. Most kids attend most or all of their classes. Yes, student often have intellectual conversations outside of class. Students are very competitive with GPAs and class participation. The most unique class I've taken is Arhaeological Chemistry. Professors hold office hours where you can come and talk about anything. The academic requirements are minimal and easy to accomplish. Geared towards getting a job overall.


Amazing academics-professors are so available, and extremelly high in their fields. They expect the best, but really help you to achieve it. TAs never teach, but act as a useful resource and tool.


Academics at Trinity is almost always amazing. The Professors not only know your name but tend to know what you do on campus and where you're from. I've even become friends with professors before I had a class with them. However, it isn't always perfect. I've had some terrible professors here, who tend to be new, or some that just are so in love with themselves they forgot how to teach. For the most part I don't find this to be common. I love Trinity the most because it surrounds me with a lot of really smart people. Just the other night I debated Shakespeare at a bar with a good friend of mine. Conversations can happen all the time and always happen in classrooms. The good prof.'s force you to challenge the way you think and make you a much more intellectual person. Most of the education is teaching you how to learn, but there is always a conscious effort to discuss why this is important for a job in the future.


My professors know my name, have heard about me from other professors, and usually become my friend. My favorite class ever was Literary Transitions in the Eighteenth Century and it was awesome. People really love learning. The academic requirements can be a drag for humanities majors (not so much Science requirements, but certainly Math).


All my professors know my name, first and last. Our new library is a fantastic place to study and students take advantage of it. However, there are certainly students who cruise through here without doing much work or challenging themselves; in the end it's their loss. The education hear is more geared to learning for learning's sake. Although there are plenty of classes that fit directly into career opportunities. Also, tons of students do internships in a wide variety of fields that allow them to get solid work experience and academic credit.


EVERY professor knows all of his or her students by name. it is unbelievable how much individual attention they give you. they want you to succeed, which makes learning more enjoyable. students work very hard here... the library is always packed. class participation is the basis of most classes here.


Most all my professor know my name. My favorite class was environmental philosohpy, which looked at humans views and relations toward animals and the enivroment through the teaching of certain philsophers. My least favourite class was economics, where I felt the professor did not care about what he was teaching, did not know the students names, and the TA kept cancelling my review sessions. Students study very frequently; the workload at Trinity is a lot. Class participation is extremely common and debates and conversations are usually very interesting and passionate. I know that my group of friends have many 'intellectual' conersations outside of class, however I'm not sure if I feel the majority of Trinity college does. Students do not seemt that competitive. The most unique class I've taken is a class called 'Interpretating the American Dream' which focused on different views on the American Dream. the philosophy department is very small, but there are lots of different classes to choose from, and the added bonus of the ability to develop a closer relationship with your professors than might otherwise be availible. I frequent professor's office hours quite often to discuss work and general non class related subjects. The only academic requirement that I have had trouble with is the science one, but I feel that students will not be overwhelmed nor limited by requirements. I feel education is geared toward learning for its own sake.