Frats. My group consists of a lot of baseball players. Doors are mainly closed, but u can knock and people will welcome u in often. Athletic events are not that popular unless you have friends in them. guest speakers are common, but ive only attended them when extra credit is an option. Dating scene is very prevalent. I met my closest friends in my dorm. At 2am on a tuesday i'm either watching LOST or studying. Traditions include graduation, lemon squeezer, several frat parties (tropical, homecoming, etc). People party about twice a week (Thursday & Saturday). Last weekend i was home for spring break. The Fred is non-alcoholic. I don't do anything off campus, freshmen arn't allowed to have cars and I wouldn't dare take public transportation with the locals.
Fraternities and sororities rule night life. The most popular organizations on campus are sports affiliated or greek life. Often people are described according to these two fundamental aspects. The dating scene is like most college dating scenes, random hook ups, some serious relationships, but very few certified "dates" take place. Homecoming and Spring Weekend are two awesome events that are not missed by anyone on campus. People typically party Thurs-Sun (sometimes Tues) but it is not mandatory. I go out once or twice a week and still feel very much involved in the social scene.
The Greek Organizations definitely are the major players in the social life. That having been said the college is constantly searching for new venues where students can socialize on weekends. All student doors are on springs that close them automatically, so they are usually closed.
Greek life definately plays the biggest role on campus. I am currently the co-chair of Green Campus, the environmental group on campus, which focuses on recyling and energy consumption here at Trinity, both of which students are not very aware of and the adminstration is not willing to lend a huge hand to. Students leave their dorms open. Athletic events get an okay showing, as well as guest speakers, and less than theater events. There is no dating scene. It is generally one night stands/date rape. I met my closest friends in my dorm. Usually at 2 am on a tuesday i am doing homework or talking with friends. Major events on campus are homecoming and spring weekend, which are usually just huge instances of debachery. Fraternitites and Sororities are HUGE but extremely exclusive. Last weekend I went to a concert at my dorm and then hung out in my friends room with the band. There isn't anything to do on a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking. Off campus, I eat, go for walks or runs, work with hartford youth.
Lots of people do sports here. But there are tons of other organizations like:
zeta omega eta- feminist sorority
FU- feminists united
Green campus
MOCA- men of color alliance
Phab- body image awareness
women's center action resource center
Eros- lgbtqi group
temple of hip hop
stop the raids- immigration rights group
the dorms are pretty secure- a lot of people in my class live off campus- but this is not the norm
the theater program is visible but not the best, i hear
athletic events are fairly popular- we have our own ice rink
the dating scene is more of a hook-up culture- frats and sororities are the social spaces.but we are working to change this by creating alternative places on campus for social life to thrive. there are lots of hip hop shows, guest speakers, sex talks, live music, poetry, spoken word,etc.
there are events off campus as well as great bars and restaurants
Social life at Trinity is very active due to the plethora of campus organizations, ranging from A Capella groups to intramural sports teams to Greek life and much more. Athletics are popular, and while many of the teams do well each year, the main sporting attraction at Trinity is the squash team, who now holds the record of the longest winning streak (10 consecutive undefeated seasons) in the history of college sports. Trinity draws numerous guest speakers to campus every week and the lectures are often filled with students, some of whom are required to attend for relevant classes and others who are genuinely interested in the subject matter. The Theater department puts on several productions each semester, some that are student directed, and those are always well-advertised and draw in large crowds. Trinity is also the only small college with its own movie theater, called CineStudio, that shows both old and current feature films every week. On that note, students who don't like to engage in partying or Greek life, there is always that option for a weekend night. Besides that, Hartford is a wonderful resource for finding alterantives to the fraternity/sorority scene, with its many restaurants, bars, clubs, museums and movie theaters.