The student body is mostly moderate/conservative that dominates over other racial, religious and LGBT groups on campus. Maybe its due to the groups I am involved in, but I don't feel that other social houses on campus have a major role. The Greek Life seems to overwhelm Vernon street on the weekends and I rarely hear about other events occurring in the other house
i would love it if there were places that we could go off campus to party, but there are very few options within walking distance, and that number keeps getting smaller. so that leaves students to party on campus, which ends up creating controversy among students in different social circles (people who want to go out versus people who don't who get fed up with the noise and the party mentality).
I think the most popular places on campus are the fraternities because they provide the social life. I am a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. It is a lot of fun, it is a great group of girls, we really enjoy helping others while being together, and there are so many oppertunities for us to connect with other people on campus. People at Trinity don't really seem to date, and if they do than they are usually upper classmen. If I am awake on at 2 am on a Tuesday I would be doing work. People party thursday through saturday, and occasionally on Tuesday. There is not a lot to do on a saturday that doesn't involve drinking.
There is an activity for Trinity student who wants one; it is simply a matter of looking for the right one. I love the small-school atmosphere that is particularly evident at athletic games and matches. For instance, the squash matches seem to draw just about everyone from whatever they are doing at least once while at Trinity. Whether you know the person standing next to you at not, you're all jumping around and cheering on our classmates. Nightlife is not dictated by Greek life. Whether you're part of it or not, there is something to do. Greek organizations, however, have the facilities to offer larger-scale events on a more regular basis.
Anything you could want. I've mostly been involved with Community Service and am constantly wishing there were more hours in the day to participate in all of the programs offered. Trinity has great athletics and the athletes aren't isolated from the rest of the student body at all. You can party as much or as moderately as you want. Thursday, Friday, Saturday are the biggest nights of the weekend but Tuesdays are pretty popular as well, and if you don't have class the next day and want to drink on a Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday you probably won't have trouble finding someone to drink with. Fraternities primarily provide the weekend social life but there are smaller gatherings everywhere on campus. Dating isn't as common as other places, but that isn't to say there aren't a lot of couples.
The fraternaties are basically where most of the weekend social life takes place. Sporting events are also very popular namely the football games and squash matches. If you are awake at 2am ona tuesday you are either at the campus bar hanging with friends, or doing work at the library. Hartford offers amazing restaurants and fun bars - fun alternatives to the on campus social life
Even though social life is generally revolved around the fraternities, and I think there should be more options for students, I have found that it is very easy to get involved in social life on campus. There is always a dance, a cappella concert, or party to go to, film screenings, etc. Even though students will usually be drinking at a majority of these events, it is possible to find something not involving alcohol.
The best group I've ever been involved with at Trinity is the Fred Pfeil Community Project. Founded by a group of students two years ago, The Fred is a 60-person dorm created to allow students to have more control over their social lives and to live in an open-minded community. We plan and throw events every Friday, from hip hop shows to hosting bands like The Feverfew to Wii sports tournaments to coffee house open mics. We also all belong to common interest groups that meet once a week. We have a big common room full of couches on the first floor where other groups frequently hold events, too. The Fred has totally changed my experience at Trinity. The school gives us the funding to put on our events and we can make pretty much anything happen. And it's great to live in a dorm where people always have their doors open and are happy to chat. This sort of community is indicative of the way Trinity empowers its students to put their ideas into practice and run with them.
Most frequented social events are the fraternaties. The Fred also has Friday night events which are different than the usual get drunk frat experience. Its pretty fun regardless of where you go, really it depends on your mood. If your looking for a wild time go to the fraternaties, if you looking for a more laid back place to hang out, maybe listen to a band or watch a comedian, the Fred is the place to be.
dorm students leave their doors open unless they dont want to talk to anyone
awake on a tuesday at 2 am, hanging out wiht friends in room or hall
traditions: homecoming, tropical, spring weekend
people party at least 3 nights a week
frats are the primary place to end up on a weekend night
usually drink in rooms then go to frats- many theme parties that you need tickets for so its hard to get in if youre a guy or unattractive girl