Trinity College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Trinity College?


They are too rich, they are spoiled, they are brats, they are preppy


That everyone is rich and preppy. Moreover, that students blow their money on drugs and booze. On the other hand, I think it is fairly well known that despite the fact that we party often, we also work really hard.


wealthy prepsters who do drugs like cocaine


Preppy, snobby, waspy students who like to drink and party a lot.


That they are all just rich white kids who love to party. I believe Trinity to be a diverse school- not just racially, but also financially. However, there isn't a divide between all of these different kids, everyone just wants to get along and have a good time.


pretty, white, raised in boarding schools/country clubs, partiers


rich, white, preppy


The stereotypical Trinity kid is from a New England prep school, dresses in preppy, expensive, pastel-colored clothes, is heavily involved in Greek life, drinks a lot and does cocaine. And is afraid of Hartford.


preppy rich kids kids arent smart but get in with parents money pretty girls


Extremely preppy, very wealthy families, no diversity