Trinity College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Trinity College know before they start?


I would tell myself to really think about the schools I was applying to. There's much more that matters than just colleges with prestige. You should choose the college that makes you proud to go there but also makes you feel like you are exactly where you belong. You also shouldn't be so quick to leave everything behind because you really are going to miss everyone and the life you had before college. Take every factor into consideration when applying to and choosing schools.


Relax. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to be extremely successful at almost any school you might have the choice to attend. If you want to go to graduate school, it matters even less where you go to undergrad, since employers will mainly care about where you went to finish your education, and graduate schools will mainly care about your GPA and relative standing in your school. Instead of prestige, focus on challenging yourself and going somewhere that will offer as many opportunities as possible. Move in as soon as possible and get started immediately, bite off more than you can chew. Do things that make you uncomfortable, things that you've always wanted to do, things that you've never done before. Study abroad! Take Tai Chi! Read! Write! Perform Experiments! Play sports! Compete! Join clubs! Start your own club! Make money! Make a difference! As Mark Twain once said, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."


The advice I would give myself would start with a story. This is how it would go: Hey, Anthony. On your 21st birthday you will be in London with your best friend. You will walk into a tattoo shop in Deptford, near Laban. You will get the words " wash. " in cursive, lining the bottom of your left clavicle. It's placement will be because of the beauty of its contours in all human beings, and the perplexing nature of its fragility to any form of pressure over nine pounds. It will be your national anthem. Whenever you get close to a state of sadness, or rumination, or negativity you will wash yourself. You will breathe, decide on whether you want to write, read, run, dance, listen to music, or do anything else to wash. You will then be able to approach any trials with strength and optimism. Trinity will be a challenge, but you have an opportunity with this Posse Scholarship. You can survive academically and socially, especially if you gain confidence in your education thus far and sexuality. I love you.


If I could go back in time, I would have focused more in my advanced math classes. I didn't realize that my degree would reintroduce me to Precalculus or Statistics. I did well in those classes, but I could had done better. More focus in those classes would have gave me a better foundation. Arithmetic is used constantly in my field of study, so I would had made it easier upon. myself.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to buckle up because it's going to be a bumpy ride! When college was portrayed to me in high school, it seemed fun and carefree, but that isn't necessarily the case. When you watch movies and they are depicting the life of a college student they show these huge dorm rooms and students going to parties at night, but the truth is if you want to be successful in college you have to prioritize and know how to handle stress. Work first and play later. College is hard and everyone deserves a break from the stress and chaos, so it's okay to " let loose" every once in a while. Just make sure you get your business done first and then reward yourself later for all your hard work.


I would tell myself that college is not as bad as you thought it was. There are classes that you can take that will help you transition into the college life and ways of studying and doing homework. There are tutors available unlike high school, so if you are stuck with anything, get a tutor or ask your professor to help you; they are more than willing to help you pass and succeed with your education. You do not have to worry about figuring out what you want to go to school for because there is no rush, there are advisors at the colleges that can help you figure out classes that you might be interested in that could also help you. One more major thing; don’t ever give up.


As a high school senior, my ideals and dreams led me on a much different path than one I would choose for myself today. As a current transfer sophomore, though my personal interests have not been revolutionized by any means, my ability to recognize and prioritize these interests has improved considerably. Although in the grand scheme of things two years is not an extraordinary amount of time, I feel as though the perception I have of myself and of the world around me has changed dramatically. If I knew in my last months of high school that choosing a college is important, but not the most important decision of my lifetime, the burden of the choice would not have hindered my ability to enjoy myself during my last year. In order to truly be happy at the institution of your choice, you need to first come to terms with who you are, not only as a student but as a person. Being confident is the only solution to your pre-college nerves. Without understanding that you can in fact live on your own and adjust to the college lifestyle, you never will. Enjoy your time now and always!


I would keep my way instead of starting to years laters i would have gone straight to it.


College life is one of leisure, relaxation, hard work, and complex thinking. Common things such as reading the newspaper, learning about the stock market, and even doing assigned reading can make all the difference in college. This is the advice I would give myself if I could look back on things. It is essential to gain an appreciation for the business world and global politics, even more vital that you are an active member of the community at an early age. Getting into the habit of thinking under pressure, understanding mature subjects, and valuing education is something that every student, especially a high school student, can improve upon. Many college hopefuls believe that grades, standardized tests, and teacher recommendations will result in a successful transition to the university, but this is simply not true. Extracurricular activities, community service, and internships can never be undervalued. The true difference makers are those who are committed to understanding the tough issues and genuinely looking to impact the world around them. Grades will not save the world, but rather the thinkers and scholars who help others, teach others, and conquer the real issues of the 21st century. This is what makes a true student!


I planned on transferring from Trinity before I even stepped on campus. I felt like a failure next to my classmates headed to Harvard and Williams, and I was embarrassed whenever schools came up in conversation. Trinity definitely has a reputation, and between Hartford and "Camp Trin Trin" I arrived my freshman year as a less-than-happy camper. But sitting at convocation and looking at the resplendent campus with my eager and intelligent classmates, I immediately felt at home, and that feeling increased every minute I spent on campus. Within a week I joined an acappella group, a choir, and snagged a part in the fall musical. Everyone I met was so welcoming, interesting, and fun. Trinity gave me the opportunity to try everything; the course book was a candy store. Able to take anything from Anthropology to Neuroscience, I took risks in my coursework and I fell in love with subjects I'd never encountered before. Trinity allowed me to take risks and push myself in a caring community-- a truly invaluable experience on all counts. And yes, maybe we do deserve the "party" reputation, but I just like to think of it as great at time management.