go visit the colleges you are interested in.
remain open to many options, but only apply to schools that you can see yourself going to. Be open to starting new things when you get to college--- I started varsity rowing with no past experience, became a bio major (didn't think i would, at all), etc. Exciting things you can't think of or plan may come along.
It doesn't really matter where you go, with minimal exceptions (i.e., if you are a gay Wiccan, don't go to a conservative Christian school). Everywhere you go, what matters is being able to look inside yourself and pursue the things that you really care about. If the academics at your school don't have a great reputation, challenge yourself to go deeper into the coursework, and seek out your professors for all the knowledge that they aren't sharing. Take advantage of any events that appeal to you, and don't be afraid to do things alone. If something interests you, odds are that there will already be a club that relates to it, but if not, create one (but don't take it personally if it doesn't get off the ground).
Though many high school seniors have no idea what they want to major in at college, it's important to start narrowing it down in order to pick the right school for you. Though I had a great time socially at my school, it was very small and didn't have the type of research opportunities I needed for graduate school. I think perhaps that a larger, possibly public university would have been better for me academically because of numerous opportunities for research funding. Also, it is important to pick a school that has extracurricular opportunities you are interested in. Studying is the number one priority in college, but it is also crucial to involve yourself in clubs and teams to meet new friends. I am a strong believer that a student needs to engage in activities along with studying in order to learn more. In conclusion, in choosing a college and maximizing your experience it is important to make a list of what you know you what to study and participate in and make sure the schools have these majors and clubs.
the differences between colleges are not gargantuan. if you really try you can be happy just about anywhere
There are a variety of important factors involved in choosing the right school (i.e., geographic location, cost, quality of academic programs, etc.). Yet the best advice I ever received regarding my college decision was this: "Your college is not just the place where you learn, it is the place where you live." It can seem appealing to attend a top-notch academic program or a school that is particularly inexpensive, but the decision should ultimately be based on more subtle, personal factors. So when you tour the campus, keep in mind that in addition to gathering facts about the school, you should also stop and ask yourself, "Can I really see myself living here for the next four years?" While this question may seem obvious, it is too often overshadowed by more concrete, logistical concerns. Receiving the above advice from my brother caused me to change my choice of schools on the day before the acceptance deadline - it was the best decision I could have made. Remember, a college degree is a college degree, no matter where you are. So trust your intuition and find the place where you truly belong.
Visit. Spend a night. The student body is what will make or break your years at a specific school.
First of all, the student should be the one primarily finding the right college because he/she is the one that will be attending the school. Secondly, the student should devise a list of criteria that will help narrow down the wide possibilities of universities/colleges. Lastly, the student should visit as many schools on his/her narrowed down list. While visiting each school, it is important to eat a meal in the cafeteria, talk to students who attend the school, and observe the social aspect of the students (how they interact with eachother). It is also important to get pay attention to the surrounding area of the school and make sure that it is an environment that the prospective student would be comfortable in. All in all, I do not feel that each person has that "one special school" that is destined for him/her. There are many schools that may reach the qualification of the prospective student, but it is important to attend a school that satisfies the majority of your own personal qualifications.
I would say the strongest influence is the gut feeling you get when you step on campus. Each campus had a personality, and energy to it that really is a good representation of how you feel you would fit as a part of the campus; so I would definitely be cognizant of that.
Students must take in mind not only the academic excellence of the college, but also the social environment. Of course, academics should take precedence, but especially if you will be living on campus in a new town, the people you will be spending four years with will be very important. I wish that I would have taken this into greater consideration when I was applying to schools. One tip I have to make the most of the college experience is to not be afraid to ask questions and to get help from professors. If they are good at their job, they will be more than happy to help you, even if you are not doing well in their class. It is in their best interest for you to pass their class. Don't waste your money (or your parents' money) by skipping classes or not putting your all into assignments. You might as well get as much out of your classes as you can. One piece of advice to incoming freshman: join as many extra-curricular clubs and activities as you can! You can always drop them later, but this will help you find friends in those crucial first weeks.