Tulane University of Louisiana Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Tulane University of Louisiana?


Some stereotypes about Tulane and Tulane students include that students may not be of the same academic caliber as other Top 50 schools. This is just a stereotype that continues to perpetuate due to the fact of the location of the school, people always assume that we would go down to Bourbon St. every chance we got and drink 24/7.


Tulane students party entirely too much!


They come to New Orleans for the university education, they receive their degrees, then they leave the city.


that they're all jewish, that they're hard core partiers, and that they're not that smart. some people think tulane is a safety school and is a joke


It's a party school!


Stereotypes, OH yes Tulane has them and many of them are not good ones... Tulane has next to no wish to have any of the NON-traditional students. Mostly in age, However it is NOT the only. Any student that can stand up for their rights can be treated in ways of underhandness and lies and other things they can think up to do. People in places they should never be in, such as a fox and the hen house and others. There are some that are in the right places that do their best for students BUT NOT in the numbers they should be.. Be ready to have deal with colon type thinking!! BY many their not just students but every part of there.


Rich, stuck-up preppy rich assholes


they like to party! a lot of jewish-eastcoasters, smart, rich and snoby.


Tulane students are rich, obnoxious brats that spend their money and time wasting away in bars. Tulane students get degrees in drinking, not real majors. Greeks just party and do drugs.


Snobby rich kids