Tusculum College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Tusculum College know before they start?


I've learned how to manage my money better, as well as come out of my shell (I'm naturally a bit shy). I've met a ton of awesome people! But most importantly, I've become more independent and I'm proving the people that said that I would never make it wrong.


From going to Tusculum College, I have gained alot from interactions with students and professors. The professors make it easier to pass your class because they offer one on one tutoring or if you need extra help the tutoring center is of great use. I have also gained many friends from campus life. I got to learn what is was like to kind of be on my own. My friends I made there I still hang out with. I gained alot of knowledge from Tusculum College just in the simple fact that they made it easy for me to learn and get my degree started.


If i could go back in time and give myself advice, i would advise me to give college more in depth thought. I would try to explain to myself that paying for college is not easy and if you dont put forth the effort to find scholarships you end up paying an arm and a leg out of your own pocket. I would really stress that finding scholarships is important extremely helpful, and will cause me to stress out less often.


If I had the chance to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first tell me to stop stressing and enjoy the remaining time with my friends. I would also tell myself not to live on campus as that wasn't a very good decison on my part. My instincts were right and I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, but after I move back home the worry was over. Now I am enjoying this experience and making many new friends who are also commuting students. I would explain that I shouldn't worry so much about the money and try to apply for more scholarships and that I do have time, much more time than I think available to do such things. The last thing I would tell myself about college is relax, the real fun starts soon.


If I was able to go back in time and give myself some advice regarding college it would be simple. I would tell myself that the most important thing that I could do to be successful is to not take any breaks until I was finished with my schooling. I know many people (including myself) that have taken a short break from college only to find that it lasts several years. There is no more important a time that right here and now to finish school. If you feel the strain is too much then drop to part time but never stop until you reach your goal. Think about your future. Like my dad always says, "Play now and pay later, or pay now and play later. It's up to you which order you do them in."


Making the transition to college can be very hard on a young student. Often times students are warned about how hard the transition is but most of the times are not given the right advice to prepare themselves. I came from a very small Christian high school looking to play soccer in college. I mostly based my decision on soccer and the best scholarship i received. This was my first mistake. I didn't take the time to really look into the important aspects of the school. I would advise to take the time to really look into the school. Secondly, know your values inside and out and stick to them. There is a lot of pressure, more than I could have imagined, to do drugs and drink. Also, doing these things may help you feel like you are fitting in, but I promise you won't want the reputation as the "drunk chick" when you are a senior and the GPA (and fines on a dry campus) that comes with it. I know many girls that have been so embarred by what they did when they were drunk that they never wanted to show their face again.


I would say, yes college is fun and there will be many wonderful moments. First off college is a place where you choose your career something your going to do for the rest of your life, so the most important thing is to major in something that you love go for your passion if you may. Colllege is not for every one but it can be a wonderful experience it helps you to actually see what the real world is like beyond the walls of high school. Class is important attending them everyday is a must, you must also know that when your in college your on your own its really time to grow up.


The advice that I would give to myself would be to always do your greatest and do not let anyone discourage you as you evolve in the future as a college student. The voyage ahead of you is very tough DeAsia, but the trials of life will cause you to mature and be prepared to tackle obstacles you never thought you would face in college; just stay encouraged and never give up on anything. Everyone who have gained success had to face tough times, if you quit you would be like those who you see everyday who has nothing to be proud of in life. Nevertheless, when you find the strength to preserver, you will feel the reward at each step of your accomplishments and know that the pain is well worth it. For instance, just as the pain of having a child does not compare to the reward of bringing a new life into the world, neither will your struggles come without something more rewarding. Therefore, always believe in yourself DeAsia and just be equipped to make the transition into becoming a committed college student and enjoy the journey on the way to your destination.


Self, you always need to stay focused on your life goals and be strong in your faith. The journey ahead will require prayer, patience, planning, a little luck, and much perserverance. Remember to always work hard and go the extra mile; it will pay off in the end. Enroll in honors classes, AP classes, and dual enrollment classes if possible. Hours of preparation lead to academic growth and will prepare you for those more challenging college experiences. Get a job and save some of the money for college - you will need every penny! Voluteer, learn from others, talk to your grandparents, give of yourself, think outside of the box, try not to be afraid of change; learn to make the most it, and most of all have fun and enjoy the new, exciting challenges that are about to come your way when you graduate and move on into the next phase of your life.


I graduated from high school a semester early to help with my mother's business she was opening, and to get ready for my wedding. I got married two weeks after my class walked the stage. When I started college, my husband was starting with me, so I had someone there for support of any freshmen jitters I had. The one thing I would go back and advise myself to do differently is to make no excuses. When I first started college, I was frustrated that the other students in my class were worried about partying all night long, when I was worried about working a full time job, and buying a home while going to school full time. Instead of accepting the different paths we had chosen, I looked at it like maybe I should have been getting some special treatment. It made me want to make excuses for not being able to attend certain events on campus or really get to know anyone else. I am now out of that stage and have made plenty of friends and make time for campus events, but knowing that to start with would have made the transistion that much easier.