Union College-Schenectady Top Questions

What should every freshman at Union College-Schenectady know before they start?


Before I came to college, I thought I knew what I wanted to study and how I wanted to use that in a future career. I was very close minded on any other options, and disregarded them without ever giving them a chance. After spending almost a year at college, I have come to realize there are so many different choices available to make for my future. I am discovering interests I never knew I had, and trying new areas of study that I now may want to persue. When I was a high school senior, I could have never imagined all the amazing and diverse areas of study and careers I could persue when I got here; so I chose one and promised to stick to it. If I could go back In time, I would tell myself to go into college with an open mind. It is so important to try new things and to keep making new discoveries along the way. College is all about finding yourself and what contributions you can make to the world, and this can only be done if you are open to all the possiblities.


I know this is your last year of high school and you and all your friends are catching serious cases of senioritis but don't let this effect your grades. It may seem too early to you now, but don't procrastinate, start applying for scholarships online and even locally. Look up colleges you are interested in and write down application deadlines to keep yourself notified (take advantage of those free college applications you get in the mail). You are in the top ten percent, you can get into good schools and have a variety to choose from, see how much financial aid you could get from each school and think about mom and dad. I know we never wanted to be buried in student loans but we also don't want mom and dad paying off loans years later because of us. Also, remember it’s not just you anymore; we have a little brother and sister that still have to go to college too. Take advantage of this whole year and please don’t save it for last minute because you will end up getting into a great school but not having enough money to pay for it.


I am I outgoing person who would love to take a second chance at college. I simply wished I took the time out to study more and not go through rough life experiences in order to land where I am today. Although I am happy where I am, I could be in a completely better place and with you guys help. I hopefully plan to be.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would advise myself to read more and participate in a summer program between senior year of high school and freshman year of college. In terms of read more, I mean everything. Read more novels, short stories, different genres, and at a fast rate. When I came to college I was immediately assigned many chapters to read in short amounts of time. I wasn’t only assigned readings from novels but textbooks as well. I was told to read and understand, which seemed like forever for me to do, but eventually I adapted. What I think could have helped me transition quicker and better was if my mind was in an academic mode. I was exercising my brain for years getting it prepped for college and once it was in shape I took a break starting in late April of my senior year and relaxed over the summer. During these four months my brain fell out of shape. My transition to college could’ve been much smoother if I exercised my brain.


I have learened how to use computers and thier programs more efficently. My professors have been very helpful and patient with me the whole time. My class mates are just as helpful also. They have helped me out during and after school hours, so that I could achive a great GPA in all of my classes. SCF also has a wellness program that I will be attending next semester. It is desighned to help students live a healthy life style, and it also awrds students who finish the programs by paying for some of thier classes. The ARC, or academic resource center is great also. It allows students to go in and study in a quiet, positive, and helpful enviorment that is full of great resources. There are computers, tutors, books, and group studies to help students achive the maximum level of achivement possible. All of this is valuable to help me to advance further in life. I want to finish up my two years at the community collge and then a go to another college and get my bachleors degree at a major college. I know with a little hard work anything is possible. Thank you for your time.


During my college experience I had amazing professors that helped me discover my passions. Coming into college I had no idea what I wanted to study, but the flexibility of the curriculum and encouragment of the professors helped me find my interests and choose my major (biochemistry). The opportunities at the school have prepared me to be successful in anything I do. I have learned not only science skills, but I have also become a better writer and public speaker. Union College has many research options for science majors, which prepared me for a career in science and made me marketable to graduate schools. Without the research experience I gained at Union, I would not be able to pursue my passions as easily. I have also become more aware of my surroundings. Union College has an amazing term abroad program, and I went to Sicily for a term. Experiencing a new culture opened my eyes.


It feels great when you don?t know what to expect from the college and you?re anxious to see how your first day of classes will be, how the faculty is, and what kind of friends you?ll make. I do however; have some things that I wish I had known earlier. I wish I was a better reader because reading is the number one tool you need to have to succeed in any college. You need to be able to read chapter of the textbooks like you?ll read your favorite book. You can?t depend highly on the lecture or even on your professor, because you?re textbook will be your number one friend. This is true for not just Union but any prestigious and rigorous college out there. Another thing that I know about college is that this is the place to try new things and take different classes. I was glad that I had the option of taking classes that I never would have taken. If I was able to go back in time and give myself a good advice, it will be to develop good study skills and be willing to try new things.


I would tell myself not to be afraid. I would tell myself not to be afraid that I won't make friends, not to be afraid of change, not to be afraid of being self-sufficient. I would tell myself that that college will be the best part of my life. I would tell myself that I don't know what to expect, and that is ok, and that exploration in life is important, and will make all the difference in my future. Most importantly, I would tell myself not to be afraid to succeed, because I am stronger and smarter than I think, and will make a difference in the world.


I would tell myself to look into the college transfer credits more carefully. Going into school, I was mislead to believe that my college would accept my AP/college credits from HS as long as I had a certain grade. I was unaware that they would not accept certain credits because of the course, so I would tell myself to really look into that and make sure I wasn't being fooled. I would also remind myself that I would be living with a roommate, which is something I wasn't used to at home, where I had my own room. But most importantly, I would remind myself to be myself. I don't need to impress anyone. Working towards my own personal goals is much more important.


DO YOUR HOMEWORK...if you can go to one of those weekend trips available for students in highschool to spend time at the school WITHOUT the parents. Take advantage of a free campus tour you will pick up more than history from the school. TALK to people that have been or may have applied to the college you're interested in or ask how and why they picked what they picked...it will help you look for the right kind of school or help you eliminate certain ones before you even get to the application stage. Also, appliying to college can be STRESSFUL, the most stressful time in a student's life...So PLEASE, parents and students, take some time during the process to debrief, relax and even have moments when you choose not to think about it for a while...it helps a lot.